OOC: Master Friending List

Jan 01, 2009 08:49

Updated: 4/15/09
Instructions: (as created by the amazing krycek_rat)

To do the whole shebang, you'll have to go into your Edit Custom Friends Groups and create five filters: alumni, comms, students, teachers, and townies. Don't forget to save the changes before the next step!

Then go over to the Admin Console and copy/paste the entire list in (or one section at a time). Hit "execute" and it should do its magic!

To View Your Filters:

Depending on the scheme you're using, it'll either be under "Your Journal" in the left hand column or under "Journal" using the scrollover link at the top of the page.

Beside the link for "Friends" there's an ellipse (it'll look like this: Friends...). Click the ellipse and it'll bring you to the page where you can view your filters individually.

To Purge Your Friends List:

If you need to purge your friends before doing a re-add, copy and paste the entire list into a document and do a find and replace turning instances of "add" into "remove" and then remove all the comm names (alumni, comms, students, teachers, townies). Be sure to correct fandomtownies and fh_alumni before moving on, as the "remove all" feature will take out every instance of the removed words.

Then copy and paste the list into thehttp://www.livejournal.com/friends/edit.bml admin console and manually delete everyone that's left on the Your Friends page. After that, follow the above instructions to add back the current list. Now you're all set!

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will only be able to add about 200 names PER 24 HOUR PERIOD because LJ will not allow any more than that, not counting the people who already friended you. I would advise you to begin a few days before you start play at fandomhigh and add half one day and the second half the next. Then you will have everything by the time you begin to play.

Official Communities

friend add fandom_clinic comms
friend add fandom_lounge comms
friend add fandom_radio comms
friend add fandomassistant comms
friend add fandomhigh comms
friend add fandomhighdorms comms
friend add fandomhigh_ooc comms
friend add fandomtownies comms
friend add fh_alumni comms
friend add fh_directory comms
friend add fh_im comms
friend add fh_trips comms
friend add fhightimes comms
friend add fhplotterywheel comms
friend add ft_directory comms

Unofficial Communities

(Keep in mind that the unofficial communities also sometimes require that you join to see content, but are not necessary to gameplay at FH.)

friend add fandom_quotes comms
friend add fandomhitunes comms
friend add fandomtherapy comms
friend add fh_fic comms
friend add fh_freshmen comms
friend add fh_icons comms
friend add fh_juniors comms
friend add fh_seniors comms
friend add fh_sophomores comms
friend add fh_squee comms
friend add fandomweather comms

(if you need your temp measured in celsius, please friend this weather comm instead)
friend add fandomweather2 comms

friend add always_damp students
friend add ambassadorinara students
friend add annjaofthesword students
friend add armybrat_lois students
friend add bad_nose_job students
friend add bigdamndestiny students
friend add bitch_prince students
friend add blackmagic_eve students
friend add blinkandsneeze students
friend add blondecanary students
friend add carsexual students
friend add cataclysmicluck students
friend add chic_harper students
friend add darkangelsawyer students
friend add death_and_pies students
friend add death_of_hope students
friend add decoder_rings students
friend add defeats_buses students
friend add dojima_hime students
friend add elephantgadget students
friend add endsthegame students
friend add fabulous_secret students
friend add fantastic_torch students
friend add finding_x_dream students
friend add first_guardian students
friend add flashesforinfo students
friend add flowering_mind students
friend add future_sandworm students
friend add gameknowsgame students
friend add gobrooke_urself students
friend add grasshopper_mol students
friend add gudspellr_claud students
friend add harrydresden students
friend add heromaniac students
friend add hotceltogoth students
friend add i_vanquish_evil students
friend add iamnotallgirl students
friend add ihaveniceteeth students
friend add im_afrog students
friend add imac_kenzie students
friend add imcalledandros students
friend add inthereflexes students
friend add iruinenglish students
friend add itsjustlanguage students
friend add joan_notjane students
friend add justwantsquiet students
friend add kestrelswolf students
friend add ktarian_wildman students
friend add likes_chicken students
friend add likethestore students
friend add lordofthecats students
friend add lovemykilt students
friend add mauledbyabear students
friend add minnesota_teen students
friend add missed_the_gate students
friend add momslilassassin students
friend add morpherboy students
friend add mrodneymckay students
friend add multi_madrox students
friend add neurotic_witch students
friend add new_to_liirness students
friend add noboynextdoor students
friend add not_a_mused students
friend add not_fangirl students
friend add notafairmaiden students
friend add notahostage students
friend add notasuiciderisk students
friend add notqueenyet students
friend add notthehulk students
friend add notyourpawn students
friend add once_a_traitor students
friend add outofthecage students
friend add peace_n_war students
friend add psychic_wonder students
friend add pyroliz students
friend add raspberryturk students
friend add repeterpetrelli students
friend add robinthefrog students
friend add rocksthescarf students
friend add saltandammo students
friend add sarcasm_guy students
friend add scary_jeff students
friend add senor_chado students
friend add shiniernyours students
friend add shyest_eyes students
friend add sixstandingby students
friend add snarkyprincess students
friend add sonofmogh students
friend add sorella_vecchia students
friend add spiritofthe20th students
friend add stocksgrrl students
friend add stupid_toasters students
friend add stylin_wizard students
friend add swipedthatfoot students
friend add talks2objects students
friend add talon_wraith students
friend add thatsamilkshake students
friend add the_merriest students
friend add therhimineecat students
friend add thismaskiwear students
friend add time_flyer_5 students
friend add trickster_twin students
friend add walks_two_paths students
friend add wannabehunter students
friend add wantstodirect students
friend add weefeetbigboots students
friend add weetuskenraider students
friend add withoutverona students
friend add yourwhiteknight students

friend add 1petrelli1 teachers
friend add atreideslioness teachers
friend add baskiceball teachers
friend add berserkerminsc teachers
friend add bigdamndean teachers
friend add brandyforapples teachers
friend add cautiousfellow teachers
friend add clevermsbennet teachers
friend add doubleohblonde teachers
friend add fandom_sub teachers
friend add fear_of_fish teachers
friend add fh_anonymous teachers
friend add fh_extras teachers
friend add fh_office teachers
friend add is_my_penis teachers
friend add just_add_starch teachers
friend add mouthy_merc teachers
friend add notafairy teachers
friend add offthelisthero teachers
friend add satedan_soldier teachers
friend add saveonpostage teachers
friend add screwyoumarvel teachers
friend add shiroi_tiger teachers
friend add sith_happened teachers
friend add slapbetcommish teachers
friend add trustshisbarber teachers
friend add tyler_back teachers

friend add all4thewookiees townies
friend add allyofthevarden townies
friend add arjiki_diamonds townies
friend add bigbrothersean townies
friend add canadianpopstar townies
friend add canoutdrinkyou townies
friend add capt_maxfactor townies
friend add cowboy_sailor townies
friend add crazypilotman townies
friend add demons_death townies
friend add fancypantsdoc townies
friend add fandomtroopers townies
friend add flipped_god_off townies
friend add funnyways townies
friend add gkar_lastkhari townies
friend add hanged_magician townies
friend add headkickpoet townies
friend add iguessiamaclone townies
friend add justice_beat townies
friend add konoha_flash townies
friend add laceycantlie townies
friend add leafyteadragon townies
friend add livingasheth townies
friend add lots_of_olives townies
friend add loverlyviolets townies
friend add makestheworld townies
friend add maxnotsam townies
friend add memberslonely townies
friend add missinmrj townies
friend add montecito_east townies
friend add nojesusfreak townies
friend add not_ironmaiden townies
friend add notrestingyet townies
friend add nugents_shirt townies
friend add perfectmissyork townies
friend add pieandcoffee townies
friend add samnotmax townies
friend add saveyoulater townies
friend add spring_lost townies
friend add suit_of_sables townies
friend add thebuganddoggy townies
friend add usedtotravel townies
friend add wannabe_samurai townies
friend add willbewretched townies

friend add apocalypsesoon alumni
friend add auroryborealis alumni
friend add banikslaveboy alumni
friend add blessed_twice alumni
friend add bluth_illusions alumni
friend add bridge_carson alumni
friend add bruiser_in_pink alumni
friend add by137 alumni
friend add cameronmitchell alumni
friend add can_be_more alumni
friend add cantgetnorelief alumni
friend add cantjossme alumni
friend add carter_i_am alumni
friend add chasingangela alumni
friend add chasingsnitches alumni
friend add connernotconnor alumni
friend add cookinggeek alumni
friend add courier_gavin alumni
friend add demonbelthazor alumni
friend add ecirpnellehada alumni
friend add emo_padawan alumni
friend add evilpinkthing alumni
friend add exwatcher alumni
friend add fastestkidalive alumni
friend add fates_jaye alumni
friend add future_visions alumni
friend add goodgirlmeg alumni
friend add grenfelzer alumni
friend add honoraryphd alumni
friend add ihatedenmark alumni
friend add importantman alumni
friend add izzyalienqueen alumni
friend add jarodpretends alumni
friend add justmisplaced alumni
friend add kawalsky alumni
friend add krycek_rat alumni
friend add l1ttle_billy alumni
friend add light_a_spark alumni
friend add lilpunkinbelly alumni
friend add lovelylana alumni
friend add marsheadtilt alumni
friend add mike_cannon alumni
friend add mistressofblack alumni
friend add moonbrain_tam alumni
friend add mparkerceo alumni
friend add multiplez alumni
friend add mycanonhatesme alumni
friend add needsaparrot alumni
friend add notstakedyet alumni
friend add oatmanspatient alumni
friend add on_her_korhal alumni
friend add once_a_king alumni
friend add oncourtandstage alumni
friend add palestshadow alumni
friend add peter__parker alumni
friend add psycho_barbie alumni
friend add psycho_jackass alumni
friend add socksofcool alumni
friend add soldtoarmenians alumni
friend add sound_loyalty alumni
friend add spacepiratevala alumni
friend add suit_of_awesome alumni
friend add surferboy_09er alumni
friend add swerval_zero alumni
friend add tatooine_doofus alumni
friend add threeweapons alumni
friend add time_agent alumni
friend add tricksy_spy alumni
friend add twohalvesofaphd alumni
friend add wannabelawyer alumni
friend add water_wonder alumni
friend add whitedeathpod alumni
friend add willbedone alumni
friend add x5_alec alumni

master friending list

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