One two three four/ one two three four...

Feb 15, 2007 20:40

Long story short: days like today should become a weekly thing. It's days like today that everyone should have, and kinda make life feel like childhood, where nothing really matters, except what fun thing you can do next.

I'm kicking so much ass in school. Always just barely do I get everything done, and just sweep up the grades, with the very smallest amount of study, homework time, or worry. I love it.

After school, we had Melanie and Valeria driving, and about 14 of us at first? So we split into two cars, and got pizza and then to the park. I was not in the car that got the pizza. The total people included: Fernando, Santiago, Bruce, Melanie, Elizabeth, Matthew, Umair, Chad, Valeria, Quetzel, Minah, and Mia. Later on Jon, his sister, her friend, and Juan showed up. We got to the park at different times, ate 3 boxes of pizza in about 45 seconds, and went to the park activities. This included half naked volleyball, half naked football, half naked sumo restling, and entirely naked (for me) swimming in SUPER COLD pool water. Umair is the greatest sumo wrestler in the world, and after abot 50 tries I ALMOST beat him, but could not. He told me I was next best, though.

Later, after we dried off from the frostbite pool which was super-refreshing at the same time, and went to my place. Gorillaz, Spongebob, Bomberman, and band practice. Band practice always seems to happen, especially when unplanned, when there are alot of people at my house. Afterwards everyone left, we had less and less people to jam with, until it was just Santiago and Bruce and I. Man..was that fun as hell. Santiago is the best bassist I've ever met so far in my life: in our age group. So we discussed a few things, then everyone was gone. Then one my mom's patient's family came in, and we all jammed. I spent pretty much all the time teaching the son and the mom to play drums, and that was just great. Playing music with somebody's cool is that?

BUT I had another accident with my guitar, and once again scraped more paint off of it. I know some people like their instruments to be beat up, but it breaks my damn heart everytime I get a big notch of wood visible on it.

Oh and yesterday was pretty cool, too.

Tommorow morning I take my driver's test, I won't be going to school. Wish me luck, because not only do I need it, I want this more than most anything I could ever have.

EDIT: Failed my driver's test, because of the three-point-turn. The way I was taught in driver's ed is the literal opposite of what they expected on the test. Oh well: I can take it again on Tuesday or something.

the band, friends

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