Calm before the storm

Aug 29, 2006 11:03

For some reason, it feels like this hurricane isn't hardly gonna scratch us. We're gonna be fine, and I'm glad we have no school. It's so relaxing sleeping in, then knowing you don't even have school the day after today.

On Saturday was my sister's party, which was huge. It was crazy. It was nice having everyone in one place, and just having a good time. Who was there? Let's see..I know I'm not gonna get everyone...Arielle (ofcourse), Nicole, Gabe, Juanicimo, Scarlett, Jon, Fernando (who came later on), Anthony (also came later), Andy, Seanster, little Seanster, Reza, Javier, Teal, Christine, Amber, Kris, Bryant, Eddie, Ed's girl, Mia, Gaby, Christian, Tim, Jamey, and about 20 people I had no clue who they were. I'm sorry if I didn't name brain is too crammed.

Listening to music, mingling, food and drink, going outside, hackeysack, videogames inside, whatever. I love my friends, with all my heart. Listening to "Black Holes and Revalations" with 340583 people was absolutely amazing. Listening to all of "Hail to the Theif" with about 804395 more people in my room was even better.

It's kinda funny how even in a humongous crowd of people in the dark, with techno music playing, black lights, strobe lights, and rave lights everywhere, the kids are all still shy little guys. Some people need to learn how to not care about what people think of you. But whatever, I'm sure they'll grow up eventually. Not to say that I'm "grown up", I'm not at all. The same applies at my job, so many people there can be so stiff and serious, it's so boring. But that's not all the time. There's nothing wrong with being serious, I just hate people that can't fuckin' laugh at anything, and look down on everyone, and basically don't stop talking about how everything sucks. Man, shut the fuck up, and live a little.

Well anyway..back to the party. After all the kids left, and the annoying people, and the not-invited people, it was basically most of my close friends and I. Then Fernando, Andy, Sean, and Jon slept over. We watched funny videos, listened to music, the same old shit. Then in the morning everyone left, and it was just Seanster and I. We jammed, tried to watch a Radiohead DVD, whatever. We didn't do much, but it was cool having him over.

Yesterday I worked, which was alright. My paychecks are pathetic, though. I might as well go on a dog-walking buisness. Then I went to Anthony's house, which I havn't really done for literally months, and was much needed. It was awesome hanging out with him like old times, playing pool, making music with his new (and BEAUTIFUL) acoustic guitar, watching Family guy DVDs with the best chips and salsa I ever had in my life. Reminds me of the earlier years.

I love how music links to your memory, and when you hear a song you listening to alot during a certain period of time (say, winter break of '05, or Hurricane Katrina aftermath) then you get reminded of all the great things you did. It's so connects with you.

Holy shit...I wrote way too much...

EDIT: I forgot to mention my room got fuckin' trashed. My door broke, one part of my cabinet broke, there was coke stains and spilled everywhere, my bed was torn apart, there was gum on the carpet. Damnit, it all pissed me off how people don't have any respect.

albums, job, friends, philosophical

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