
Aug 01, 2006 12:52

My friends slept over the day before yesterday, and it was fun. Got in trouble with the cops, once again, but made it out without any records.

I've been having wierder and wierder dreams lately. I had this one dream where I was playing guitar, playing "Here's To Life" (I song I don't know how to play on guitar..never even thought of trying to learn, or thought about it), and I was watching myself play it, like looking down at the frets. Then I woke up, ran to my guitar and tried playing it, and I got the whole song perfect, in a few seconds. I told that to my friend at work, and he said that means I can calculate and study in my dreams. Now if only there was a way to control that.

Last night I was listening to Hail to The Thief, and I fell asleep during the song "Go To Sleep", which I only noticed seconds before I fell asleep. It was kinda cool, and creepy. It wouldn't be weird if I always fall asleep to music, but I don't.

Then during that sleeping last night, I had a dream I was in the school orientation tommorow. And every person that ever had an effect on my life in school was there. Even if they are no longer in school, and all these weird things happen, but I don't remember the most of it, damnit. I do remember that this girl who was hardly even a friend of mine saw me (first time since last day of school), and baraged me with all kinds of kisses, and I was like what? But went along with it anyway. Then later her boyfriend confronted me, and I was like, sorry man, she came onto me. Then there was this girl who I had a crush on in 1st grade up until 8th grade (yeah, long crush), and her little sister was giving me compliments, and I was like yeah, if only your older sister thought the same. I also remember all these weird rooms like a big maze, and lots of ice, one part where I was naked and couldn't find clothes, my dad was being weird, and it was weird as hell.

In real life, I saw the girl that I had a childhood crush a few days ago at the movies, and asked her how life has been away from here (minute conversation), since she was with friends and on the run. Then I asked her for her number and she said she "had to get back inline for the movie.", meaning no. It was cool because I know she comes down here only to see her old friends (from elementary school), and I was doing it just so I could say I actually tried.

I hear that you dream every single night, but most of the time can't remember it; even immediatly after waking up.

Just four more days until we leave.

albums, dreams, friends

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