
Nov 01, 2009 23:52

So I've been biking to work for the past few days, and even to school (east campus?! wtf?!) sometimes. I'll wrap my work shirt or something around my neck, put my headphones in, and use those hiker-clip things to keep my keys from going anywhere, and off I go. It's totally re-connected me with the dirt-poor-as-shit-but-happy me that I was when I first went to college and lost all my money. This has done much for my psyche and overall happiness.

We forget how much we take advantage of the commodities we have in technology. In accordance with all of the theories that nature is the one-and-never-ending experience of truth and beauty, it really helped me get in touch with that by not using my car as much. Not to mention the cardio workout, which is another way of getting in touch with something important: your own body.

The only little problems that build up from living away from home are only a result of too much secluded time in a world where we can be as conveniently lazy as we want. This is the fucking perfect recipe for depression. How did I forget that for so long? I get so much more in touch with everybody and everything after giving my body the occasional push [soccer included.]

BESIDES my goddam bicycle, though, life has been pretty great. Nothing has changed, really, except my perceptions of a lot of things. I still feel like I want to quit work because it's a waste of time; but for the same reason I bike instead of take my perfectly-fine-car, I work to remember what it is to not be so blessed and privileged as we all are in some way or another.

I still keep my eye open for a fitting mate, but despite how I find lots of great candidates, they all share a great thing in common: their own lives. (Distance, usually.) Just like I have mine. But man, I feel so ready for a girlfriend or something. Regardless, though, this is the last priority in my life, because I'm enjoying everything so well without it; why fix what ain't broken? This is the question, my friends. Do we want something decent? Or keep trying to fix it until it's perfect? Well, [according to this detailed as fuck personality test I took] supposably I'm an inventor, so I'm going to keep fixing until I invent a better one.


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