[The feed switched on to Gamzee's PCD, after a few moments of static and fumbling around that is. His face slowly came into focus. Gray skin, jaundice looking eyes and what seemed to be clown grease make up. His bushy looking hair obscured the image for a while, as he bent down to pick something up from the floor. It was while raising his head
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...so that settles it, she has to make sure that what happened back there never happens again, for everyone's sake. At least she sees Vriska is on top of supplying him with slime. And is busy ignoring that receptacle.]
:o) hOnK HoNk
WhErE aRe YoU aLl Up AnD hIdiNg At SiS
iMa TiCkLe Ya If I fInd YoU
[Yea, the last thing Gamzee remembers was attempting to troll a certain Dave Strider... He's not exactly at breaking point, but he's already having some conflicting feelings. Its probably better for everytroll to keep him stoned like this.]
:33 < *ac purrrrs in welcome at tc!*
:33 < no no im not going to tell you you have to find me on your own!
:33 < but you wont beclaws im the bestest at hiding XPP
[here Gamzee have a nice big ablution trap full of sopor to swim in...]
lOoKs LikE iM gOnNa NeEd tO gEt My MoThErFuCkInG mOvE oN
iF i WaNnA cAtCh Me A fElInE
OkAy, oKaY
cOunT tO mOtHeRfUcKiNg
UhHhH fIvE
ImA cAtCh YoU bEfOrE yOu MoThErFuCkInG fInIsH
hOnK HoNk
:33 < on33
:33 < twoo
:33 < thr33
:33 < fur...
Getting distracted like this was a pain in the waste chute at times.. seriously.]
:33 < gamzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
:33 < *ac pesters tc until he stops looking at whatever shiny thing he purrobably found and stopped to stare at*
MaN Im mOtHeRfUcKiNg sOrRy, ThAt's nOt cOoL Of A BrO To iGnOrE HiS SiStEr lIkE ThAt
I JuSt fOuNd mY MoThErFuCkInG ClUbS
ItS A MiRaClE Yo :O)
HoNk hOnK
I ThOuGhT ThEy aLl dUn uP AnD MoThErFuCkInG ExPlOdEd
:33 < ohhh youre furry lucky!
:33 < when my sylladex blew up all my things smashed to pieces :((
WaS My sLiMe pIe tInS
MaN, tHaTs nOt cOoL
GoNnA HaVe tO GeT My sEaRcH On
MoThErFuCkInG FiNd mE SoMeThInG ElSe tO BaKe sWeEt sOpOr mIrAcLeS In sIs
:33 < purrhaps we can find some there :33
YoUr tHiNk pAn jUsT SpAt yOu oUt sOmE MoThErFuCkInG WiCkEd kNoWlEdGe
HoNk hOnK :oD
AlRiGhT Me fElInE FrIeNd, GeT YoUr lEaD On aNd mOtHeRfUcKiNg sHoW Me tHe wAy
:33 < ill sniff you out and well go together!
:33 < dont furget and wander off :PP
I'Ll bE HeRe sIs, ThE SkY Is sO MoThErFuCkInG BeAuTiFuL
I DoNt tHiNk i'lL Be gEtTiNg mY MoVe oN AnYtHiNg sOoN SiS
:33 < *ac scampers out of her hive and charges in tcs direction!*
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