001 HoNk [Accidental Video]

Nov 29, 2011 20:01

[The feed switched on to Gamzee's PCD, after a few moments of static and fumbling around that is. His face slowly came into focus. Gray skin, jaundice looking eyes and what seemed to be clown grease make up. His bushy looking hair obscured the image for a while, as he bent down to pick something up from the floor. It was while raising his head ( Read more... )

sai, vriska serket, 1st post, equius zahhak, frau, adstringendum, ic, tavros nitram, nepeta leijon, gamzee makara

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[text] eightshoutpoles November 29 2011, 20:55:23 UTC
Wow, Nepeta sure did call it!


[Video → Text] always_both_me November 29 2011, 21:05:09 UTC
[Gamzee stares text appeared on the screen.]

Hey, I recognize that motherfucking text. Aw shit, gimme a second, let me get my investigate on.

[Fumbling with the PCD, turning the video on and off a few times before he worked out where the text function was.]

HeY sIs :o)
wHeRe AlL aRe YoU uP aNd At?
ThErE aRe SoMe SeRiOuSlY lEgIt MiRaClEs GoInG dOwN oVeR hErE
hOnK HoNk


[Text] eightshoutpoles November 29 2011, 21:23:19 UTC
Oh man, Gamzee going on and on a8out miracles? Stop the fucking presses!!!!!!!!

[... oh yeah, there was that thing people told her about him going crazy when he gets sober, wasn't there]

So do you need sopor slime or what. If you do, I'm going to 8e incredi8ly generous and offer you some! You'll pro8a8ly owe me 8ig-time.


[Text] always_both_me November 29 2011, 21:47:47 UTC
AwE mAn, DiD yOu AlL uP aNd WiTnEsS tHaT mIrAcLe ToO
I aInT eVeR sEeN tHaT sHiT hApPeN bEfOrE :oD

[Wait, hold up, was Vriska offering to bake a pie with him? Sweet. ]

HoNk hOnK
ShIt SiS
It WoUld Be So MoThErFuCkInG wIcKeD tO gEt My BaKe On WiTh YoU


[Text] eightshoutpoles November 29 2011, 21:50:34 UTC
I 8n't having any! I'd just 8ring YOU some, dum8ass.


[Text] always_both_me November 29 2011, 22:03:49 UTC
NoW tHaTs MoThErFuCkInG rIgHtEoUs Of YoU
HeLpInG a bRoThEr OuT lIkE tHaT
gEtTiNg YoUr GeNeRoUs On :o)

AlRiGhT, HoNk hOnK
iLl Be OvEr HeRe bY mY hOrn PiLe
HoLd Up
:o/ uHhHh

[Oh yea, he's not in the Vail anymore is he. He's only just noticed this... All he recognizes are the scattered remains of his destroyed things from when his Miracle Modus exploded.]

WeLl ShIt
IVe AlL uP aNd GoT mY mOtHeRfUcKinG lOsT oN
bUt ThAtS cOoL
iM cHiLl WiTh It


[Text] eightshoutpoles November 29 2011, 22:05:50 UTC

Descri8e what it looks like where you are.


[Text] always_both_me November 29 2011, 22:15:59 UTC
WeLl, FoR a StArT iM hErE
AnD AlL mY mOtHeRfUcKiNg sTuFf ToO
OtHeR tHaN tHaT, aInT A wHoLe LoT mOrE gOiNg On

iN fAcT :o(
iTs AlL kInDs Of LonElY hErE SiS
mY tHiNkPaNs TeLlInG mE Im ThE oNlY mOtHeRfUcKiNg TrOlL hErE


[Text] eightshoutpoles November 29 2011, 22:17:52 UTC

Well, I can't find you if I don't know where you are, and I'm not going to run around the city looking for you!


[Text to Video] always_both_me November 29 2011, 22:25:40 UTC
OkAy OkAy
I gOt ThIs ShIt
hOld On

[Gamzee switches on the video function of his PCD. Holding it up and waving at it.]

Hey hey! Can you motherfucking see me? Well this is where I am

[Aiming the screen around so that Vriska can hopefully see where Gamzee is. It looks like the ruins of a city, or as he was told when he arrived ' the safe zone'.]


[Text] eightshoutpoles November 29 2011, 22:34:20 UTC
H8 to 8reak it to you, 8ut most of this place looks like that!

Luckily, you've found the one person who's done so much exploring that pretty much every place is recogniza8le! 8e riiiiiiiight there. ::::)


[Text] always_both_me November 29 2011, 22:41:48 UTC
It DoEs?
WhErEs ThE mOthErFuCkInG cOlOuR aT?

AwW yEaH sIs
hOnK HoNk
I HeAr YoU, IlL jUsT wAiT hErE


[Text] eightshoutpoles November 29 2011, 22:45:16 UTC
[about fifteen minutes later, she shows up with a lot of slime... in a big bucket]

Don't fucking say anything; it was all I could find to carry it in.


1 of ...? always_both_me November 29 2011, 22:53:50 UTC
[Fifteen minutes? It felt like just a few seconds. Must have zoned out again. Maybe it would have been better to have stayed zoned out, cause the sight before him?... Is beyond disturbing.]



2 of 3? always_both_me November 29 2011, 22:55:01 UTC


Done. always_both_me November 29 2011, 22:57:00 UTC
[Sure, she said not to say anything about it, but its a pretty hard thing to witness and just let slide.]

I don't know... if I... feel that way, Sis.

[Just. Staring at that bucket. That bucket filled with delicious sopor.. Oh Gog, so confusing!]


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