gay gay GAY!

Dec 09, 2004 16:38

ohmy, some ppl. okay not ppl, just GIRLS. fuckin bitches. i swear it's all drama drama drama + i'm not directly in it, but it's annoying. and i'd stick up for ANY of my "freshman" friends, before anyone else. the whole t-shirt thing was pretty damn gaaay and very immature. we have deff come to a new low if that's what ppl are doing now-a-days. i'm not gonna write a whole buncha shit bout it, cause kelsi basically summed it up. lol buut i have a question..are we in middle school again?!

grow up, get a life. oh + i heard that they spelled sophOmore wrong? haha just something that makes me laugh.

okay, i'm out. cmnt + if u have a problem w/ what i said..GET OVER IT =)

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