Greatest Weekend Eva!1! well it wasn't bad I mean.

May 07, 2006 20:24

So Saturday I visited Henry and we spent some time playing video games and listening to BERZERKER. I helped him wash dishes and then we picked up Edgar and Richard and headed to the movies to see Silent Hill. On the way there though Henry's car ran out of gas. After buying a gas can and enough gas to get us to the gas station we tried to put it into his car and it was leaking out of everywhere! Out of the 4 guys there not one of us could figure out how the damn gas can worked, so we had to push the car to the gas station. Took lots of pics, still have a few left and when I take them I'll get them developed and post them.
Anyway after we got it to the gas station, Kavon, Eric, and Aldwin showed up and after a brief reunion they stood around the front of Henry's car pretending to know what they we're talking about. When we left Kavon, Eric, and Aldwin left to see Mission Impossible 3. We didn't really want to watch that, and we already missed 20 or 30 minutes of Silent Hill so we went to the Forum and chilled at Best Buy. We played Guitar Hero and I sucked at it. I messed up 20 times trying to play Symphony of Destruction. Got some funny pics of Richard playing a toy guitar behind his head. Richard then gave Henry BROVICE. Then we has Henry paged at Best Buy because we lost him.
That got boring and eventually we made it to Boarders and I picked up this magazine I was going to buy but I changed my mind and put it back on a random shelf. Then some girl who worked there asked me to put it back where I got it! I put her in her place though! And by putting her in her place I mean I put the magazine back where I got it.
To top it off we had some fun at Wendy's. Then my mom and stepdad we're being assholes and said I couldn't check out the movie, it turns out though my girlfriend was waiting at my house for me! If they would have told me that we probably could have avoided that whole stupid situation. All in all this weekend was fun as hell.
Oh yeah my myspace
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