+ I've been working on this insanely long post in which I describe all kinds of recent events and feelings, but then I came across this piece of internet win that needed to be shared. Have you all heard of writtenkitten.net? Where you write so many words and receive a picture of an adorable kitten? There's one for
Tom Hiddleston! Not sure about how this came about or if they're working with the makers of writtenkitten, but it was relevant to my interests so I thought I'd share. (Even though personally, I'd also like a WrittenJeremyRenner or WrittenChrisHemsworth, I'll take whatever Avengers-pretty I can get wherever I can get it.)
+ Also, a belated hello to everyone from the friending meme at
be_compromised. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better! I totally forgot to mention it at that post, but I also have a
tumblr and I would love to follow you if any of you have one as well. Actually, that goes for anyone on my friends list. Just drop your tumblr name in the comments and I'll follow you asap.
+ Finally, have a vid!rec of Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner being completely and totally adorable.
Click to view