Mar 30, 2005 22:53
there are so many things that i need to do. but none that i want to do. all i want to do is go to sleep.
i ran today on the tredmill finally.
just finally got annoyed with myself enough to actually do it.
i have to say. i felt better the whole day since i'd actually exercised.
i exercised... but didn't manage to eat healthy... i need to work on combining the two...
i started looking at apartments again... not that i have any idea what i could possibly need...
or for how long. or where. or who it would be with... eugh.
but i have to move out. because nine hours this summer. NINETEEN in fall. and fifteen in spring. there's no way i can keep driving that much. but studying abroad... i don't KNOW!!!!!
i wish i could figure things out for sure.
so many things are going on tomorrow. so much studying. brooke's birthday. two shows (only one of which i'm going to). shopping for a certain something. (which is really freaking me out a little bit). more studying. maybe ibar. maybe deland.
then friday is getting up early to take jess to the airport. studying. a big fat test that i don't want to take. and work with the slayer.
saturday. work all day and night with bobby. online test and reading. more reading and more reading.
and then good god i hope sunday will be a break. but i doubt it. probably the reading and test that i won't actually do on saturday will get done on sunday.
whatever. lots going on. little to talk about on here.
good-night friends.