Fic challenges

Sep 29, 2011 22:50

These were all done for the latest challenge on Sherlock60, a challenge community where members write one or more mini, 60 word drabbles inspired by one of each of the 60 works in the canon. This week's challenge/story was The Adventure of the Devil's Foot; here are my responses (originally posted as wild_huntress).

Title: Indiscretions
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Drug use

Holmes’s alternating between exhausting work and black depression alleviated only by the hypodermic had begun to tell. Even accustomed as I was to his habits, I found myself growing increasingly alarmed at the sight of his shaking hands, or the violin dropped haphazardly on the floor. I determined to take action, whether he liked to listen to me or not.

Title: Affinities
Rating: PG
Warnings: Implied homosexual love/desire.

His evident concern for justice and his invocation of the only person he loved settled the matter as readily as they called to mind my own, half-buried problem. Through long habit I betrayed nothing; I would hardly be so foolish as to look at my Watson just now, though I admit I was silent a while.

I have never loved...

Title: A Study in Tortoiseshell
Rating: G
Warnings: Um... humour, possibly rather irreverent humour? Mood whiplash (compared to the above), and not set during The Devil's Foot, but very much inspired by Holmes's knocking-over-the-flowerpot incident - since I find it hard to accept that every "misstep" he ever made was really a necessary and meaningful action.

Holmes waved the handkerchief impatiently before returning it to his bleeding ankle.

“My dear Watson, I assure you that ‘misstep’ was quite deliberate. I am satisfied that our intruder did not escape that way.”

But even I, who had so often observed my friend’s methods, could not believe stepping on Sir Jacob’s cat was a calculated part of the investigation.
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