Rum Dood Meets Balut

Nov 24, 2008 23:01

If you aren't familiar with balut, it's essentially a fertilized egg that you boil and then eat. The fertilized part is important, because that means that you get the mostly developed bird embryo inside the egg. Usually this will be a duck or a chicken egg...I'd love to see someone do this with ostrich though. Anyway, you take the egg, boil it for half an hour, and then eat it with salt, pepper, and some sort of leafy thing that my coworker brought and didn't know the English name for (I was told later that it's related to basil).

I've wanted to try balut for quite a while - ever since my coworker, Melissa, started working with us. She's from the Philipines and had talked about balut before and my curiosity was piqued. She's always told me that she's unaware of any place in the LA area to get good balut, but my coworker from Vietnam, Henry, guaranteed me he could get me good balut. Little did I know that he meant he could bring me fertilized duck eggs and some leaves and that I'd have to do the (admittedly minor) work of cooking it. In the end, well, it was damn tasty.

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Yes I killed those baby ducks...and I'd do it again if I had the chance! In fact, I'll be having balut again next week at Chin Ting, courtesy of the cooks!

balut, dood

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