What the? I mean... a;lskdhjfg;alkjdsf WHAT THE FUCK!!?!

Jul 11, 2008 12:18

Dude, some CRAZY shit goes down in Africa. I'm not talking about your average, run of the mill, crazy shit. I'm talking about some SERIOUSLY CRAZY fucking shit.

Exhibit A: http://harpers.org/archive/2008/06/0082063

I mean... WHAT THE FUCK! I can think of two possible explanations: First, that magic is real, and that Nigerians are somehow more in touch with it than the rest of the world, and second, that the people of Nigeria are totally nucking futz. I mean, ain't nobody's penis actually shrinking! But the belief is still hella widely spread? Or at least the article makes it seem that way. I am at a loss.

Exhibit B: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanganyika_Laughter_Epidemic

There was a RadioLab episode about this which makes it sound much crazier than the Wikipedia article.

Man, Africa Crazy makes San Francisco Crazy seem pretty damn down to earth. I can't wait to visit. I think a good old-fashioned penis shrinking would probably do me some good.
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