Aug 05, 2004 16:40
OH MY FUCKING GOD! i am sooo ready for colledge life right now! but sigh i have to wade just a little further through the shit that is high school.
Well i met the two people i hadnt met before (if you knew me ude know what i mean) carly and steve, they where... well exactly like i expected. Well for the second time in my life i wasnt shy upon meeting someone O_o yeah i know how weird is it.
And to my surprise i actually had alot to say and the time too say it too, since carly was in my ga group. I met steve by accident but well its still meeting :P, and to think he thought i didnt know it was him, it kinda helped that i sorta had seen him before i knew him.
There is nothing that can bring me down right now... well there are some things but they arent very likely.
today had to be the best day ive had in quite a long time. and yes i did catch up with some people from lauderdale, but it was all good. All in all bring on colledge fuck the exams im ready... its worth it for all the fun im gonna have next year.