Sep 20, 2009 19:42
I admit it, I like soda. More importantly I like cheap soda, especially if it's good. My standard is a buck for a 2 liter. Unfortunately the supermarket sales advertising a price that low are getting fewer and fewer. Last week I ran out because I refused to buy it when it was $1.25 or more. Recently a party I went to introduced me to the smaller soda factories. Most sell in 4 packs of 12 or 16 ounces and can be more than a dollar a bottle. But on the other hand, they're pretty good and you can feel good about supporting smaller businesses. It's all a matter of give and take and I'm trying to find a balance.
So the decision I made is that I will still occasionally treat myself to a microbrew soda and track which ones I like while still buying the mega-brands when on sale at the right price. The twist is that I'm going to try making my own sodas too. I ordered a book off Amazon. I have no idea if it will be cheaper or better, but it would be fun to try if I could make it in 2 liter batches and share with friends. Apart from finding the right ingredients, the only other problem is using less sugar. I prefer the diet versions of soda. You get used to the taste after a while. But the microbrews don't make diet versions most of the time. I don't think I could find the right ingredients to make it either.