I haven't actually written in this journal for 3 years

Apr 19, 2009 20:22

Take this quiz, post the results, and see how much things have changed since then.


How old were you?: 20
What school year were you in?: I was in college. I think my 1st year.
Where did you go to school?: Spoon River College
Where did you work?: Kmart
Where did you live?: canton with my mom
Where did you hang out?: Travis's
How was your hair style?: long and curly/black and brown
Did you wear braces?: never
Did you wear glasses: yes
Who was your best friend?: Torey and ryan
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
Who was your celebrity crush?: Giovanni Ribisi
Who was your regular-person crush?: I'm not sure actually. Apparently the old navy underwear guy. lol
How many piercings did you have?: 5
How many tattoos did you have?: yes just 1
What was your favorite band?: I didn't actually have one at the time. I liked a lot of different bands.
What was your worst fear?: spiders, rejection, dying alone..being alone etc.
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: no
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: nope
Had you driven yet?: Yeah I was 20 and I had my own car.


How old are you?: 23
What school year are you in?: Graduated with 4 certificates and 1 degree.
Where do you go to school?: None
Where do you work?: Graham Hospital
Where do you live?: canton with my mom
Where do you hang out?: my house
How is your hair style?: short...w/coon tails
Do you wear glasses?: yes
Do you wear braces?: never
Who is your best friend?: Sara G.
Who is your celebrity crush?: ooooohhh well there are several but right now Kyle Gallner. He is such a cutie.
Who is your regular-person crush?: No one, how unexciting.
How many tattoos do you have?: yes 3
How many piercings do you have?: 6
What is your favorite band?: there are lots...linkin park, simple plan, paramore, lots and lots more.
Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend?: don't have one
What is your biggest fear?: spiders, rejection, dying alone..being alone etc.
Have you driven yet?: Yeah and I finished paying off my car.
Have you smoked a cigarette yet?: no
Have you gotten drunk/high yet?: no

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