As I've been griping about the pain in the ass computer shopping, I woke up today to discover that Mr. 12.5yrs can't even access my Yahoo mail account! The OS is too old and the browser is too old and there's no way to update things. I'm borrowing Bonnie's shitty Chromebook just to take care of that basic. From what I'm gathering, the new machine will be here between Wed and Fri of next week.
I understand why Chromebooks are such a great deal for schools. They're just not appropriate for the kind of work I do.
I said I'd talk about sewing machines.
We all know by now that one of my great Volunteer Project Loves is my sewing machine rehab. Bonnie came back from SVDP (she was looking for more 1000-piece jigsaws) and came back with the delightful news that they'd gotten two Singer 211a Featherweights. They were tagged and ready to go out for $300/ea. I made a stink b/c I didn't want someone to burn their house down or electrocute themselves and have that come back on the store. So, they came to me for a once-over. They'd not been used or serviced since sometime in the 1970s. Neither of them sew well and one's got a bad power cord and a short.
There's a cult around those little boogers. People pay an arm and a leg for them. I know from personal experience. I also know that many of them are poorly maintaned. It's that lack of maintenance that's left me replacing one I was working on for a friend. I had to take it to an autoshop to get certain parts busted loose and it hadn't been cleaned/used since the 90s. So, I've got a 211a, I've just got to put it back together and replace the motor.
At any rate, some woman bought the two of them, didn't want to test them, probably thinks she's going to flip them on Ebay. . . I wouldn't want either of them.
Now, onto the fun side of sewing machines and such: I was given a National "E" VS machine. Or at least I thought it was. I troll through Ebay has told me it's likely a 5B, which means it's not quite the same size as my Western Electric as far as parts swapability.
Today is also a day of baking experimentation. Glueten-free chewy mollasses cookies. Not bad for a first attempt at doing thise stuff.
I'm tired.