Don't Think Twice

Oct 11, 2005 10:18

Well hello all, It's been awhile since I really sat down and actually updated. Life has been going well, I'm driving and what-not with a permit. College is going well, highschool is going well, church is going well, me and CJ are doing well. The thing about all of that, it's been strange lately... Like we talked about getting married and of course it was a serious consideration for both of us, but now after aboot a year and 8 months, we can't see it going anywhere but that. He went to a wedding last weekend, and so he's like... got that on the mind I think. He talks about it alot, and we never really talked about it like we were planning a bloody wedding before. Weirdness. It feels really strange to be that far... I never expected to be here at 16, I never thought I'd find exactly the man I'm looking for this early in life. Of course there's a few things he needs to work on, but that's alright and since they are the sort of thing that's just an attitude, I'm sure they will pass on their own. I am getting my first bass lesson today. Yay. That will be 4 instruments I play. Craziness, and I love it but not everyone does and it makes me incredibly sad because I hate it when people are like pissed off at me because I got music in me... its like hey this is my passion, find yours and don't be upset because you can't be me... grr I know it's not that severe at all, but some people apparently feel challenged or out-done because I can pick up just about any stringed instrument and learn it quick. House Of The Rising Sun in a flippin depressing song. He's famous now. I'm on there too, Wow that is a terrible song... jibbles... How is everyone else out there doing??

I have to go to class in half an hour. It's kinda nice coming here an hour early I think, because I get to sit for an hour and wake up and finish homework I need to turn in or whatever. I love having free time at school. I didn't have that luxury at all last year. I'm a pretty happy kid. I get to sleep in on tuesdays and thursdays because i don't have to be to school unitl 10. It's nice. I HEAR COWBELL! I think Jesus is like the coolest guy ever. Not even kidding. I just looked down at this hat I have sitting here, and it has a button on it that says "Rebel with a cause" and it has an image of Jesus on the cross. I was thinking about it, and I was like wow. He's really cool. I mean come on, my sin put him on that cross, but he STILL cares about me, he still loves me, and he still let's me know it too. He's so willing and ready to be close to me, even though I've rejeced him. You can't even begin to argue with that... it's awesome!

So CJ and James and i might go kayaking tonight, that would be coolness. Speaking of Cj, have any of ya'll seen him lately? He's doing weights at school and WOW he is like.... well never mind we won't go into it, but lets just say he looks really good. TRUCK DISMOUNT! STAIR DISMOUNT! Those are the coolest games ever. I swear man, they are awesome. Some college kids put them together taking into account like physics and stuff. It's an amazing exploration of the laws of nature with a truck and a man and a ramp and a wall. It's wonderful. Stair dismount is the same thing but with a man and a flight of stairs. I think I'm going to go get a life now, everyone have a wonderful day now!!
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