(no subject)

May 23, 2010 05:08

Man has a grand piano delivered to a Boys and Girls Club of America. Man plays piano sonata with sledgehammer. Man entitles performance Young Modern Angst.

Sonly inadequacy gets old; ironically ages more quickly than both sire or offspring. Where should the anti-paternal shove push? Paternal inadequacy syndrome must be real. I hope I don't have it, if I can have it. I think I'd be an awesome Dad. I'm smart as fuck, I'm kind of funny, and I have valuable skills. Maybe my Dad feels the same and it just. doesn't. translate. Do I even want kids? I've never even had a steady girlfriend. God knows I wouldn't want my [potential] child[ren] to go through what I have. Has it even been that bad? Yes, don't be silly. Why should I even think about having children. Better to think about it, then not, right? Always be prepared. He's right sometimes and I hate to admit it. At least it's certain that I'd be able to communicate better. The apple never falls far from the tree. Did Isaac Newton have any kids?

I feel like I have nowhere to go. But up?
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