(no subject)

Jun 24, 2008 15:58

What the fuck gives. I try to be a pretty positive person usually, not bubbly positive, but at least put a positive spin on things. But right now all I can think about is shattered things, shattering things, and being shat upon by most things around me.

In this moment, I can't wait to get off this fucking continent.

For all the cool things I've experienced here, there has always been some little stain. What's about to follow is a list of material things that I have been deprived of in one way or another since being here. I hate to be petty and so materialistic, like I said, I strive to look beyond the materialistic, but this is kind of unbelievable.

Two stolen bikes, two broken phones, two lost keys, a broken camera, a broken iHome, and, as of this morning, a missed flight to Romania that was to serve as my passage into Eastern Europe, an experience that in my eyes would have rounded out my time here. Due to a slight delay in one train though, I arrived a half hour before departure, which according to the galactic fucking cunt at the desk (after telling her I missed two trains and a bus as a result for my lateness, she immediately responded with "That's your problem," which sounds even more bitchy in German), it was already too late and I had no other options.

So long story short I can add nonrefundable round-trip plane tickets to Romania to that laundry list of loss. The crowning catastrophe.

I hate to be thinking so negatively when I have only one month left here. I guess it's better to think that way now when it's almost over rather than having thought that way the whole time, but I really wanted to make the most of what little time I had left.

But at this moment right now, I just want to give Germany a biiig fuck you.

Can't wait to see all you guys again in just over a month.
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