Doctor Who 9x07 “The Zygon Invasion”. SPOILERS.
Very mixed feelings and no general point so I'll just list some of my thoughts.
- A flashback, really? We all remember very well what happened in Day of the Doctor so there was hardly a need for a flashback, someone could have just said it all. But apparently, we’re getting flashbacks now so we can see our favourite Doctors and like new episodes more. It’s such a cheap trick. And it doesn’t even work this time because in that episode, the Tenth is not the Tenth I know and love.
- I didn’t mind the intro. Again. I don’t know what that means but I don’t resent it now.
- I love that we’re back on Earth and have some social and political comments (I missed it in the Eleventh’s era) but does it have to be as subtle as a road roller?
- Does the Doctor have to play the guitar in every single episode? It was nice for the first time, acceptable the second time but now it’s getting repetitive.
- The hybrid. Oh, so this season we’re getting as many red herrings as possible. And the final hybrid will be revealed as the Master, half Dalek, half Time Lord. Please, don’t.
- I love Ingrid Oliver’s acting.
- But bringing an actual cosplayer to Whoniverse is a bit too much.
- I also like Kate Lethbridge-Steward. I’m happy everytime she comes back.
- A new version of Clara’s theme! <3
- Clara has been written so poorly we cannot even notice when she acts out of character. The big reveal is somewhat wasted because of that.
- I never thought I’d say it but I miss the part when the Doctor is an action hero. When he runs, jumps, climbs, fights, throws and catches objects, and does it all quickly and brilliantly. Such scenes make the show dynamic. Now it’s like in Classic Who but with better costumes and locations.
- The Zygons are perfect villains and I wonder why haven’t they returned to Doctor Who before The Day of the Doctor.