We're half through 2020, so I thought it would be a good idea to sum up fandom feelings. I'm not sure the Earth survives to December 31st. And I happen to have some fandom things I'd like to write about.
End of Fannish Year June Meme 2020
1. Your main fandom of the year?
I rediscovered, or properly discovered, Tim Minchin - I only knew him from
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new fandom, new joy.
You don't know how true that is! I mean, here I was sitting, waiting desperately for new "Orville" episodes. Season 2 ended in May 2019 which already is a long time ago, and now they had to stop filming like everyone else so who knows when we will ever get season 3. Originally it was planned for the end of this year.
"Voyager" certainly has filled that hole very nicely and I haven't thought about "Orville" in weeks!
And in all honesty, it also has helped me keeping sane during the first crazy weeks in March and April. One hour to get away from all the bad news. It was very relaxing.
And then in one episode I find the sentence: "Congregating in groups is strictly regulated. lt's considered to be a threat to public health." I couldn't believe my ears LOL
I read it's about Alfred's past. I like London, I like the 60s setting. Is it action-packed? Not the biggest fan of shooting and chasing.
No. I wouldn't say there is much shooting and chasing. There is much talking instead. In the wonderful accents. It's a bit political also, with two groups (left and right) both wanting to take over government from the crown, and spying on each other.
It's certainly an alternate reality. Although there is a young Queen she is not meant to be Elizabeth. She was not there during the war in our time, but here she was. Also while the look is Sixties, there are other things not fitting, like Zeppelins in the air.
It is a bit dark at times but as I said, the characters are all so wonderful and lovely. I mean, there is dark and there is dark. I don't like stuff when it's too dark and violent, but here is some humor to balance it. I love the Welsh buddy of Alfred! It's worth watching for him alone. And for Ma and Pa Pennyworth. And that young blonde woman who you will hate in episode 1 but love at the end. She has a Northern accent, like the Ninth Doctor. And Alfred is certainly a cutie as well. I hadn't heard of Jack Bannon before, do you know him?
Other than there also being Martha and Thomas from America, who will later be Bruce Wayne's parents, there are no connections to the Batman universe so one can watch it like a normal show. We also have no idea how this Alfred should ever end up as the butler.
And you know what I really liked about that show? All the women! And not just young beautiful ones. You see several elderly women in importat positions, doing the interrogations! I think that is truly progressive and one way to make this look different
I guess there is only one way to find out, have a look and see for yourself!
I didn't know it is possible to get addicted to a voice!
I could list a couple of names of people with incredibly addictive voices. :D It's hard to pay attention to what they're saying when you listen to them. Once I downloaded an audiobook with a Polish actor reading one of Agatha Christie stories, but I got so lost into the voice that I couldn't focus on the story :P
And then I fell in love with the German voice of Chakotay which is just so smooth and really like honey.
Now I'm interested in how he sounds!
It's good you had something to take your mind away from the pandemic. I recently read some post-apocalipse and anti-utopia books, and I have to admit, it's not a good read in times of uncertainity and unstability. Doesn't make you feel safer :D
Talking is what I like! I looked up John Bannon and while the face doesn't look familiar, he was in The Imitation Game and Medici, so I've seen him before. It would probably take few minutes to recognize him.
All the women! And not just young beautiful ones. You see several elderly women in importat positions, doing the interrogations! I think that is truly progressive and one way to make this look different
Great! I hate it when there are only young, Hollywood-type beautiful women who don't do anything important to the plot. Not the world I want to escape to.
I have to say, you sold it to me. I'll start and see how it goes, thank you!
Part 1/2
It's not fun anymore if anything could mean anything and you're left with the puzzles with no idea how to arrange them.
I guess the same could be said about LOST. I watched it when it was on TV, but I never was in the fandom. There were people trying to decipher every little hint and in the end it turned out that the makers had no idea what they wanted and made it up as they went. Which is frustrating. A show like this should be planned from the start and know where they want to end.
I wanted to stop watching several times but whenever a new season came I checked it out and somehow got sucked in again. I had no idea what was going on, but the actors and characters were just mesmerizing to watch. I have a similar feeling now with the new HBO-show "Perry Mason" which I solely watch for Matthew Rhys (if you are looking for things to watch, I can't recommend "The Americans" highly enough. Especially for us on the East side of the curtain. Trust me! Now THAT was great TV and sadly much underrated. And there's six seasons for you to dive in.)
Anyway, I'm only in episode 2 of Perry Mason, have no idea what happened with the kidnapped baby but all the actors and also the setting in LA of the Thirties are so wonderful. There are many big names actors.
I was thinking about the character who irritated me at most, Hopper (it was similar with you, right?) and I realised that the problem might be the fact that I judge him from the present point of view.
The problem was that he was so different from season 1 and 2 Hopper! He was drinking then too, but still he was a caring person. I loved his quiet moments with Joyce. Them just standing together, sharing a cigarette, no words needed. I did not think the bickering in season 3 was any funny. I hated that.
It's hard to pay attention to what they're saying when you listen to them. Once I downloaded an audiobook with a Polish actor reading one of Agatha Christie stories, but I got so lost into the voice that I couldn't focus on the story :P
Yes, I have the same problem with David Tennant, both when listening to audios or even in the theatre, that I simply zone out and forget to listen what he is saying. But usually you know the man behind the voice, the actor. What I mean, I didn't know this guy, and when I looked him up, he looked totally different to what I had imagined. But his voice is a big reason why Chakotay has become my favorite character. I do miss hearing it, now that I watch in English.
Also I was surprised because usually I prefer men with deep rumbling voices. So for me to fall in love with a high, soft one was totally new and unexpected. The Chakotay character is great in that he does not need to shout to have authority and be a good leader.
There is a scene I am obsessed with as I think he is extra smooth in there. Some people had been kidnapped and he goes to free them. He just walks in there and says, listen to my voice, you will know I mean no harm, I am coming without weapons, but I want to take my friends with me. I uploaded this little clip with the German voice here:
There is also the speech of the angry warrior, but you probably should watch the English version first, for comparison. He is whispering a lot in the German version so the voice is a bit pressed at times, but it is a longer speech. In short, instead of just telling Janeway he loves her, he makes up this old ancient Indian tale about an angry warrior falling in love with a warrior princess and dedicating his life to her. Beautiful shipper moment. After this episode, I started to search for fanfictions... the rest is history.
English version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtNAWH5-SwI
German version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myroocaLTKc
To be continued in part 2/2
and I have to admit, it's not a good read in times of uncertainity and unstability. Doesn't make you feel safer :D
Haha I can imagine! Apparently there is a movie on Netflix which many have watched with this theme.
Ever since this started I waited for TV to bring back "Outbreak" with Dustin Hoffman and last week they did. I recorded it and want to watch it.
I have to say, you sold it to me. I'll start and see how it goes, thank you!
So? Have you started yet? How far have you come? Will you let me know what you think?
Pa Pennyworth is also a bit odd and harsh in the beginning, but at the end I adored him. And Ma Pennyworth has an answer to every problem "I'll put the kettle on".
The producers may be American, but in any other regard this feels much like a British show. I wonder how they'll be doing in the next awards season.
I started my Dark rewatch, I'm half past season one and I'm not making any notes this time :D So far it's going well, I'm fine with remembering who is whose family, but I know it's season two when it gets really complicated.
Did you record the first video just for me? Thank you!
I think I know what you mean about liking deep voices, and this voice being quite high. But it has depth, and when I was listening to the cecond video, I thought the guy's voice is perfect for documentaries about space, its beauty and mysteries: strong, but gentle, calm.
I haven't seen Outbreak. Let me know how it feels to watch it at present :D
I haven't started Pennyworth yet, but it's on the list. I'll watch it after Dark.
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