alumfelgaTitle: “The Waters of Mars”: It all led to this. A meta made of quotes
Notes: Meta. Spoilers for Russell T Davies’ era.
Summary: It's a set of quotes from "The Waters of Mars" in juxtaposition with quotes from various episodes.
I love Russell T Davies’ writing. His stories are character-driven, the events lead to one another, and the 2005-
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*keeps reading*
Ah, but you said it already.
Someone saving people self-sacrificially and being loved for this is a hero. Someone saving people arrogantly and scaring them is a god.
Billious the Oh God pitifully agrees. *g*
(I haven't written that so you hardly know it) he saves Adelaide against her will.
Oh, but you have, in a way. :) I didn't know who was saved, but I guessed that.
he doesn't really care about people, not in the way other people do, he's no longer one of us. A hero is one of us.
Exactly! I should have written it before, but it just passed my mind fleetingly. It's all about equal vs looking upon down.
It's all about equal vs looking upon down.
Funny thing, I tried to find another characters who cross the line but I couldn't think of any. Villains seem to be born with the 'looking down on people' attitude...
Villains seem to be born with the 'looking down on people' attitude...
Indeed, and...
I tried to find another characters who cross the line but I couldn't think of any. I'll be thinking.
(Matthew Swift and the angels have it at times, though not to that extent, or not exactly this way, I suppose.)
Good one! Yeah, a bit different case but still, good one.
Oh, now I get why I liked it.
I believe he might not get "him" back in control again.
I'd tell you, but I don't know if you'd rather not know whether you're right about it before reading, or if you're okay to hear it now. :)
Oh, now I get why I liked it.
I'm not surprised after this entry. :D This is also what hooked me. (If I ever watch Doctor Who, it'll be for "The Waters of Mars" in big part.)
No, don't tell me. Spoilers! :)
If I ever watch Doctor Who, it'll be for "The Waters of Mars" in big part.
If you ever watch Doctor Who, you know who's going to wait for comments and reaction posts ;)
And they say it's a kids show!
I've always said that if the Doctor lost those inhibitions and sense of rules that he had, he'd be far worse than even the Master because he's clever about it. He approached that level with these events. It was too late when he realized it, and that was the cue for this Doctor to make his exit, before he exceeded the Master's level of arrogance and evil.
You're absolutely right, I completely overlooked it! She had his mind, she knew exactly what would happen to her, and she's made a decision. Her own decision about her own life. She was an equal to him and he's still done it.
Actually, he's wanted to do it even earlier, with Rose, when he sent her to the parallel universe in "Doomsday" but she came back. I'm sure he'd still be pining about her if she'd stayed there but somehow it was more devastating for him to lose her when it's been because of her choice and not his.
The Master never(?) thought he's got a right to do everything he's done. He's been doing it because he could, and wanted to, and didn't care about others. The Doctor is dangerous because he believes he has the right, that he's doing the right thing, and yes, it's very easy to believe him.
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