Bad sign (few words about The Magician’s Apprentice’s prequel)

Sep 18, 2015 23:09

It's basicly I've seen something and I didn't like it so not really a fun thing to read unless you feel the same. I don't want to ruin things for anyone.

for The Doctor's Meditation (Doctor Who s09e01 prequel).

I’ve just seen The Magician’s Apprentice’s prequel, The Doctor’s Meditation. And this is what I felt: nothing. And it’s a very bad sign for upcoming series.

I’ve been waiting. I’ve been excited about the trailer, I stopped notifications in Doctor Who related groups on my facebook so I don’t get any spoilers, I even rewatched some episodes of series 8 to get ready for new episodes. But then came the prequel - first new material since last Christmas (or should I write Last Christmas) and I’ve got no factual thoughts to share. Which makes me very sad.

What is the video about? Nothing happens here. It’s supposed to be a purposely made prequel but it looks like scenes deleted from actual episode for timing. It’s not even funny - should I laugh when the Doctor called someone an idiot, again? Or because a medieval man doesn’t know what a sunroof is? The man’s response to how many days I’ve been sitting here? is so predictable. I liked the twelve is my lucky number line, although it’s repetitive, too.

If the Doctor didn’t want to meditate, why did he come there in the first place? There’s so many places he can procrastinate in, so many things he can do. But we see him looking for water for weeks. The Doctor. Looking for water. For minutes of the screening time.

And of course, it wouldn’t be Moffat-style to put some actual information in the beginning of the story. You know, just so we get a feeling that there is a story coming and we have a taste of it. No, he’s mysterious and enigmatic as always because people stop watching when they get any information. Or so S. Moffat thinks.

And what worries me most is the fact that Steven Moffat said there will be more two-parters because you can tell bigger stories that way. Remember the time when that man was able to put three time settings and three love stories into one episode, introduce a new monster, explain how time works, make a story about the Doctor in the Doctor-lite episode and scare, surprise, make us sad and make us laugh all in 45-minute episode? Now he doesn’t have time. If he wastes it in the new series just like he does it in The Doctor’s Meditation, I doubt I’ll like it. I hope he doesn't.

And I really don’t like the Doctor's trousers. With a plain t-shirt, maybe, but not in this way. Can we get a Doctor with a basic taste of clothing? Please?

doctor who, doctor who series 9

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