"Very (But Not Only) British Problems"

May 28, 2016 20:23

That feeling when you watch "Very British Problems" and it turns out you're 70% British...

The most amusing thing about this programme is that they constantly say "we're different than other nations" but what they actually mean is "we're different from Americans". Seriously, this programme gives you an impression there are only two nations in the world (I think they mentioned the French once...) - reasonable and easy-going Americans and the British who admit they overcomplicate everything but still are proud of everything they do. Hey, I get that it's an entertainment programme, not studies about cultures and I'm not taking it seriously. I just can't stop laughing when I hear sentences like: "We never complain. You know who's got the right to complain? American people!" said with dead seriousness.

And it turns out I'm like 70% British. I have memories from my childhood of a holiday at the sea when the water was freezing cold, I feel awkward when people sing "Happy birthday" to me, I don't mean it when I say "make yourself at home" (honestly, I don't even say it). If I started drinking tea with milk and apologizing to people who bump into me, I'd get another 10 percent. Maybe I should move ;)

british tv and film

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