Aug 27, 2006 15:53
Well I just got back from Florida, this vacation was ....hard lol as one thought cloud in the park said" I'll need a vacation from this vacation!" Which is true. We drove for 20 hours to miami, stayed the night in a motel/hotel thingy we went around miami beach, alot of expensive resturants, and the beach was kewl we didnt swim. But we took a pics and the water has a different color then the one we have here. Then the next day we packed up again and went to florida keys west i think. We drove and found a park next to the beach....the water was like in the commericalls its crystal clear. But there is one thing they forgot to mention....its more salter then it is here. If you get a mouthful or some in the eye its hell Hehe. My lips hurt. But we found a live sting ray we didnt touch it though probably would sting us hehe but it was kewl so we spent two hours there, and without sun tan naturuall we all got burned. For like two days we were are all "Dont touch me, dont touch me" Hehehe, but then after we head back north up to our always favorite hotel, near Orlando. We got there like 7 ish so we didnt do to the parks. The first night we just went into the pool, played arcade and all the fun stuff, unpacked. So yea but the pool is always awesome the jacuzz is right next to the warm pool, and imagine being outside where is warm, at like 12 oclock at night, and the skies are clear and yer swimming in the water looking up...heaven. But of course then our full out vacation started the next day, in the morning we woke up at like 7, 8 ish and headed for MgM studioes. Rock N' Roll coaster, and hollywood tower of terror. But this time there was something new. The extreme stunt show, with people being lit on fire, and actual motorcycle and car chases and 180's and 360's and jumps and cars seemingly being blow apart, people falling from building, basically they just showed us how the movies are made. And of course who can forget the night show, of Fanatismic. Mickey Mouse, actors, props, fire works, fog, lights, all of it, boats, fire, water. So we get back to the hotel and again same pool and aracade, then dead sleep. Then next day island of Adventures...i love that park, so many ride. From now on im going to make it simple, in the hotel we met a few people one guy from spain, one little girl from england. and the next day sea world(shamu), and the last day universal studios AND islands od Adventure...again. Then we headed home and we all slept while dad drove for the whole 15 hours or so.
And so im back. And i lost 10 pounds, this whole vacation has been good for my eating habits and my sleeping habits.