(no subject)

Jul 20, 2010 10:34

I'm sorry. I have to get something off of my chest.
To say that building a mosque is inviting terrorism is like saying to build a church is inviting the Ku Klux Klan. NOT ALL OF THOSE FROM THE ISLAMIC FAITH ARE TERRORISTS, PEOPLE. 9/11 HAPPENED BECAUSE OF ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS--JUST LIKE THE ASSHOLES WHO KILL GAYS BECAUSE "THE CHRISTIAN GOD SAYS SO."

Let the mosque be built. Those of the Muslim faith lost just as much on 9/11 as ANY OTHER AMERICAN--family, friends--but maybe MORE. They lost the fundamental human right to be tolerated for their differences. That is HORRIBLE and SAD that people are so RACIST toward innocent people who never asked to be born into their religion, family, race, etc.

I don't mean to step on anyone's toes, and obviously you have your right to your own view point and opinion. But so do I, and this is it. I just needed to rant.
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