I'm a little miffed right now...I had this whole huge, wonderful backstory all set up for Lae and Myde, as well as Isa, but now I've come to find out (SPOILERS AHOY) that Axel's somebody's name was actually Lea, and Lea and Isa joined the Organization at the same time. Also, apparently, Axel and Saix used to be BFFs until Roxas came along and Axel dropped 'Old-Cross Scar' (nick-name curtosy of Demyx) like a wet sack of melted sea-salt ice cream.
*has an unhappy*
Anyway. I'll be drawing another batch of Somebodies from "Before Oblivion" and posting them later today, along with their little character bios.
I'm going to rewrite the opening (which was posted, oh, what, two or three posts before this as a drabble?), post it, and then chapter one. I'm thinking about starting a seperate LJ for it.
What do you think?
I need responses. Should I continue or just shut up and go play 358/2 in Japanese some more?
Oh, and here's a
link to the Secret Orgy Reports so y'all don't think I'm just going off of the deep end on this one. XD
"Before Oblivion" Characters (
see the first six here)
Characters continued below.
The first member of the Organization that was not a part of Ansem's students. As a young boy, Isa's mother and father both died of an illness. This left him to care, alone, for his eleven younger sisters. By the time he was thirteen, he had become wise beyond his years. It was around this time that Isa became friends with the runaway Lea. As a counterpart to Lea's behavior, Isa has always been cool and collected, making sure to think things through before charging into anything. However, once in a great while, his anger will get the better of him.
Isa vs. Saix:
--Isa's eyes are deep green; Saix's are amber/gold.
--Technically, Isa does not receive his cross-scar until the end of the story. However, he looked odd without it, so I drew it. >.>
--Saix has lovely blue hair. Isa's is black, and he keeps it tied back.
--Saix is really pale. Isa has a year-round tan.
A trickster, schemer, and back-stabbing extrodinare. Lea is a runaway with no home and no family to call his own. After becoming friends with Isa and Myde, he usually ends up crashing on one of their couches. More often than not, he will raid the 'fridge as well. He has stick fingers, and makes his living as a thief.
Lea vs. Axel:
--Lea's hair is shorter (much shorter) and ash brown. Axel's is a spikey, red mess.
--Axel's eyes are sea-foam green in color. Lea's change depending on his mood, but generally remain light blue.
--Lea is actually a little shorter than Axel, by about three or four inches.
I'll finish later. ._.