Sep 10, 2008 16:59
Just posting to update those of you who care what's going on with me right now.
Original Novel: The one that I've been working on (and posting bits and pieces of) will probably NO LONGER be posted in parts on LJ. I'm considering either a) Not finishing it because the voices have stopped talking to me, or b) when the voices DO start chit-chatting again, starting back up and (hopefully) getting the damned thing published.
On the other hand, I have had this idea in my head FOREVER for a DIFFERENT story, and lately THAT'S been speaking to me more and more. So. One of those will be completed (in draft form, mind) by the end of the year. I hope. Nnnnnngh...
TWEWY Fiction: Plan on working on this one some more while racking my brain for stuff to add to the novels mentioned above. It's a rather long Fic, and one that will probably take me the better part of the year. Of course, by then, no one will give two shits, but neh, whatever. I don't write for other people; I write for MYSELF. YEAH. WHOO.
I'm a loser.
My roommate and I are also considering starting a webcomic, in which she would draw a page a week, and the following week would be my turn. I'm not sure if there will be one story, but so far, it seems to be little vignettes of our lives. Or, rather, little vignettes of what our lives would be like if we were COOL PEOPLE FROM COOL PLANET. Yes.
Anyway, I think that's if for now...Other than you know, cosplay update. I've decided for Kariya from TWEWY, Jin (again) from Samurai Champloo, Kitsune! Jin (from Samurai Champloo...sorta)...and probably Xinj (KH2/SC cross over persony thing) if I don't run into the same problems that I ran into this last year... >.>
For those of you looking for an UPDATE ON ERIN/MUGENCHICK, she's fine. They just got power back at her house, but still no phone, cable, or internet. So. Yeah. She's good. :) Send Love Her Way! ^^
That's all for now. :)
samurai champloo,
real life,