Oct 26, 2004 23:48
I am not going to die alone either little boy. Just to let you know, I know there are plenty of people who care about me. You dont have to be nor do I want you to be one of them. And whats up with the tinkerbell, you pussy. By the way you think having my address will make you sound tough or something. I know you are not going to do shit. You are to much of a puss. Well in any case I am not going to ban you because I do get laughs out of how dumb someone can be. You will soon find out that if you keep up this "I am better than everyone" attidude you will be left alone, and then I will be the one laughing..(not that I am already or anything..hint,hint)..and this goes to Sara, well I used to have good convo's with you..but then something happened..maybe someone got a little jealous...I dont know but you know if its what you want then so be it. I damn well will not stop you nor will I bitch about it. Someday you will see what everyone else sees...if not then I am sorry you are stuck with it.
Matt...listen to me matt, I am a different person than you may know, you think you know and understand me. You do not, you may understand a few things or understand a lot of things about everyone else but I am not everyone else. I know you try, but did you ever stop to think that all I really wanted was to vent some of this shit out and this is how I do it? Now if you understand that you will stop being a hypocrite and stop bitching about all of this. I am not to sure how things will now settle between us because there is a silence that has overtaken me. I am careful on who I talk to and about what we talk about. I can tell you that..(if you care or not)..it will be different between us, I already know this. Or it will come down to what I always do..and I know you do to...we wont talk about any of it to each other and just put on a face that everything is okay. That is what will happen most likely. All I can say is I hope you have fun at whatever you are doing and I hope you get ash. ;)
This little section is for all of my peeps out there, andrew, albert, ghostsecho. I love you all and thanks for your support on everything and I will be there for any of you when you need it. Well I am done ranting on now. So on one final note, Ghostsecho I love ya, and Antonio can go burn in hell alone with his own ego.One last thing, nice try to get me to apologize to you, but I do believe it should be the other way around. You came into my journal to start shit as I recall. By the way it is you who has the stupidity.. ;)
-The Broken Soul-