Time for multi-monthly check-in...

Jun 30, 2012 22:59

This entry is titled thus because it's been my trend lately to post in here once every five months or so (and sometimes it's happened where I start typing an entry and then get distracted and say I'll "finish it later," which is never the case).  I'm at the in-laws' house, fixing to head home, but I just wanted to give a sum-up of how my life is at this point in time.

Married life is awesome.  I honestly think I was born for this, which is quite a reinforcing realization.  There's always been this rogue thought in the back of my mind that it's possible that I'm wrong, that God has been trying to call me to something else but I haven't been listening, and that I'm not on the path He would want for me.  However, based on the fact that pretty much everything my faith has been telling me will take place in a good marriage--the sense of fulfillment, the completely selfless devotion to US, the abundant and overflowing gratification that I feel at the end of each day--is totally, 100% true for me, I think I can officially say that marriage is my calling, my vocation.

Moving.  I can't wait.  I know we have a place now, and yes, it's been home for a while, but we live with so many trials that are connected with the place that we reside that I know it's just not the right place for us.  This new complex FEELS like it will be a much more comfortable home for us, and I couldn't be happier.  Moving will cost some money, but not nearly as much as when we moved our bedroom set from Brooklyn to BR.  We'll rent a truck, hopefully get it all moved in one to two days, depending on when we can get other people to help us move furniture and/or boxes, and it'll all be gravy.  :)
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