May 24, 2005 23:25
Have you...
1. Fallen for your neighbor? uh, no
2. Made out with just a friend? no
3. Been rejected? yeah
4. Been in love? i don't know
5. Used someone? no, i would hope not
6. Been used? i dont think so
7. Been Kissed? yeah
8. Done something you regret? yeah
Who was the last person...
9. You Sexually Touched? i dont remember.
10. You talked to? Liz
11. You hugged? hmm..Liz, Leena, and Angelica all at once, lol!
12. You instant messaged? Johnathan
13. You kissed? umm i guess it was april way back then...
14. You had sex with? hush hush...
15. You yelled at? probably either my mom or my sister.
16. You laughed with? Liz
17. Who broke your heart? i dunno
18. Who told you they loved you? Liz ^_^
Do you...
19. Color your hair? no
20. Have any Birthmarks? yeah, on my arm, but you can barely see it anymore since im so pale.
21. Have any piercings? nope
22. Have a 6 pack? i wish....
23. Own your own house? nope, too bad.
24. Own a nice car? i wish i HAD a car.
25. Speak any languages? sure, a little spanish, japanese....thats about it.
26: Cook your own dinner? no but i can. i'm a good cook , lol.
27. Lay In The Bath Often? no
28. Know your height and weight? yeah, how can you forget when people are always asking you. (height anyways)
Have you / Do you / Are you...
29. Stolen anything? yeah sure.
30. Smoked? i've tried it but that's about it.
31. Taken drugs? nope
32. Obsessive? i dunno, i guess
33. Compulsive? i dunno, i guess
34. Obsessive compulsive? I DUNNO, I GUESS! lol.
35. Panic? sometimes
36. Anxiety? i dunno, whats it mean exactly, lol.
37. Depressed? i can be.
38. Control Freak? no
39. Obsessed with hate? no
40. Dream of mutilated bodies? wtf.......
41. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? anywhere with my friends.
42. Can you do anything freakish with your body? uhhhh i can bend my thumbs reallllly far back behind my hand.....and do this weird little thing with the bone in my finger.....but thats about it.....
43. What feature do you find most attractive on girls? well if you're talking "sexually" i would say probably the all-too-common boobs and butt, but if you just mean in a general "non-sexual" way i would say pretty hair, eyes, and smile.
44. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? i dunno....every time it got to that time of the month she might nuke another country that pissed her off.
45. Would you marry for money? nope
46. Have you had braces? nope
47. Do you like a girl to wear lip gloss? uhh i guess, i dunno.
48. Do you sing in the shower? not usually.
49. When was the last time you had a hickey? i have no idea.
50. Could you live without a computer? i dunno...i dont think so, i quite enjoy it....until it pisses me off.
51. Do you use AOL, MSN, Yahoo? fuck aol!!! ( but i have both aol and msn)
52. If so, how many people are on your list? around 50 (aol) about 3 or 4 (msn)
53. If you could live anywhere in the past, where would it be? ..... i dunno.
54. Do you wear white socks? yeah
55. Do you wear shoes? uhhhh yeah......
56. What is your favorite fruit? ummmmmm strawberries.
57. Do you eat wheat bread or white? both but i like white better.
58. What is your favorite place to visit? i dunno , i dont visit many places.
59. Fave DVD? i dunno
60. Do you kiss on the first date? maybe, i guess it depends on how things go.
61. Are you photogenic? hell no! i dont even know HOW to smile for a picture anymore.
62. Do you dream in color or black and white? i havnt dreamt in a LONG time.... so i don't know.
63. What are you wearing right now? shorts, agnus dei shirt, and my boots.
64. Do you eat a lot of fruit? no but i should.
65. Do you have any dimples? i dunno
66. Do you remember being born? uhhhh no.
67. Why do you take surveys? i dunno, i guess i have nothing better to do.
68. Do you drink alcohol? i have.
69. Did you like high school? well, not really until this year.....the year im fucking ironic.....*sniff*
70. What is the best accent? i dunno...british.
71. Who do you want to kiss? you
72. Do you like sunsets? yeah, why not, they're pretty. best when shared with someone.
73. Do you want to live to be 100? i dunno
74. Are Big Boobs important to you? no
75. Do you or have you played with a ouija board? i have, they're....interesting but i doubt they're actuality.
76. Are you loyal? yes
77. Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs? yeah
78. When you watch movies, do you like the lights on or off? off
79. Do you like your nose? i hate my nose
80. Do you think you can draw well? rarely but most of the time,no.
81. At what age did you find out that Santa Clause wasn't real? i don't remember.
82. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet? none, my shoes are on my feet.
83. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday? uhhh i only HAVE one pair of shoes, lol
84. Do you write poetry? not usually but i try sometimes
85. Snore? i dont think so.
86. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides? sides.
87. Do you like Cats/Dogs? i guess.
88. Do you lick stamps? huh.....
89. Do you use the automatic can opener? we dont' have one....
90. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon? no
91. Like your name? no, its very boring and normal.....
92. Were you named after anyone? my middle name (David) is after my grandad.
93. Do you wish on stars? not that i can think of.
94. Which finger is your favorite? i dunno, what kinda question is that?
95. When did you last cry? the other day.
96. Do you like your handwriting? it sux.
97. Who do you admire: ....i dunno.
98. What is the #1 priority in your life? my friends.
99. What is your favorite meat? beef ^_^
100. Any bad habits? yeah
101. What is your favorite animal? i dunno.
102. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? i guess
103. Are you a daredevil? not really
104. Have you ever told anyone a secret? yeah
105. Have you ever stolen anything? yeah
106. Do looks matter on a girl/boy? everyone has their "standards"
107. Do You Swear? yeah
108. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? i wouldn't know.
109. Do fish have feelings? not even gonna answer that.
110. Are you trendy? ...psshhh, no.