SEAN POSTED! THE WORLD MUST BE TAKEN OVER BY HELL..oh that is just Hilliary Cliton

Jul 29, 2005 00:54

I have been sitting here today, after getting home, reading about the whole "San Andreas" sex scene extravaganza (No, Jacob/Jordan/Nate/Ben, not LOOKING at it, reading about it).

Anyway, I begin to wonder how Hilliary "Superbitch" Cliton (is REALLY Scared that woman has been considered to be a candidate for president for 2000, 2004 and 2008) could think she is going to become a good democratic candidate doing this. Now, I am moderate and I tend to fall conservitive, but I usually agree with a lot of democratic issues.

Now, from what I can tell, it seems they wish to limit the sales of video games, even remove anything above "Teen" from the market. Now, this would mean limiting my choices on what I wish to play for video games.

Going on this string of thought, How can a pro-choice person trust Sen. Clinton to do the same thing with Abortion? She has already shown she has NO qualms with limiting my choice on video games, as well as fire arms, why not limit my (theoretical) right to get an abortion?

Also, upon that, I move we stop ISP's from selling internet access as of now. The internet is as vile as a copy of "San Andreas" and (Yes, Jacob/Jordan/Nate/Ben, I will say it) Trust me, you can find pornographic material on the web with a few clicks, faster then you can by looking for a hidden file on a game disc. MUCH more pornographic and sometimes violent as well (i.e. snuff, BSDM, etc.)

Now, I know some of you are saying "They haven't mentioned banning M rated games much yet" but they will, if they haven't already and I just didn't catch it. The problem is they are attacking the game company, the stores, such as Best Buy and Target (Yeah Jamie, I went there) are truly at fault. The ID check is the store's prerogative, but the ESRB has as much enforcement as the U.N. security council does (SANCTIONS!).

I wanna know what some other people think about this, go ahead and toss the comments, including the crew from Jacob's "Lets offend people" crew.

Seriously, I'm bored enough to find this entertaining.
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