Dec 10, 2008 22:53
I am tired of sitting around bored. I want to do something of some consequence. This isn't to say that I necessarily want to go out and do something to change the world. But my life is increasingly trivial. I wake up, go to work, come home, make dinner, watch tv, go to sleep. It's all formulaic and exhaustingly boring. The only change in my schedule is playing hockey once a week. I looked up how much it would cost to get a membership to the local YMCA (so I could go shoot hoops and such). It's nearly $600 a year. No thanks. I don't know. I'm just lonely and bored. I just want to go to LA and be with Liz and Kris. Alas, I can't yet. And in all honestly probably won't be able to when I want to because of the economy/inability to get a job out there.