Going on 25...

Aug 24, 2010 12:24

It was very humbling to receive so many happy birthday greetings from so many people. I can see from all the people that gave me a birthday wishes the memories I had of them in my head.

I never forget how each one of you touch my life in some way for the good. Its been a long rode for me. First it was High School, then the Marine Corps, then Iraq, and finally I'm a civilian going to school on the GI Bill.

Life is good and life has be hard, but I have always try to go through life with the best attitudes. If not I will face my fears with my struggles with my self and with my flaws. Life has been interesting and it takes a lot out of you when you gets your ups and your downs. I realize through life that there are so many philosophies out there and ideas that shape the man or woman we want to be.

Those ideas is a matter of how we look at our perspective. A perspective in how we perceive the world in our own minds. If you look at life as a dog eat dog world then you will face a negativity toward people. A sense of wanting power and a wanting of self worth through the monetary things like money. I think when I look at the times I get fixated to the early 50s to the 70s. During a time where life was just simpler. As we go toward to the 21st century I get a sense of digress because of how far our society try to push the envelope of technology. I.E. Facebook

This recession seems to be the testimonial of that struggle as I continue to see how our society grasp the concept of this "Great Recession" So what is this "Great Recession" that we hear, what is this chance of a double dip recession. Politico say were out, some say were going to go back in. We just don't know what the future lies but I see the future to be a great reckoning one day.

I would recall the hope views of yesterdays and how the days of good times shapes the futures of tomorrow. Why is it that I get a sense of futility in the market. A sense that a college education doesn't always guarantee a job even on a small level.

I always seen a flaw to my peers when I went to High School that was just doing public activities to look good for the colleges. I would hear it all the times, I'm just in this club because I can look good so I can go to a 4 year College. That statement has always scared me because I always found myself to be intelligent but I never got supported on things I wanted to do in life. It was always the "Asian Way" to go to school for a high paying job. I guess as I'm seeing, a way up the social ladder with money and monetary things. I never understood the "Asian Way" of doing things. It felt like it was backwards, it felt like it was, "not real" when I grew up in High School. Even with all the council I had with my brother, my parents and my friends, they told me not to go to the Marine Corps which I refuse to not listen.

Looking back in the Marine Corps I use to be a kid with so much wonders and regretted and being 25 I see that I was just being Tino. A stupid stubborn little kid that didn't know any better to see that I've always had the potential to be something great. There was no persona, there was no pretending to be someone else when I was in High School. The only thing I could do was to be me. Back in that age that's the only thing I can cherish the most, growing up with disapproving parents I seem to be forged by the baptism of fire to shape what I am now. The ego that was develop through the trials of blaming myself for nothing.

At 25 I think I am mature to see a sense of difference of who I was in the past and who I am to the present, I could only imagine who I am in the future but it always changes. Its funny how life takes you sometimes, sometime for the worst and sometime for the better, but what I find in life is that you have to take life with the balls. Ride it like a roller coaster or play it like a game. We all lose sometime but you practice and keep playing. With time, eventually we'll all get better, we will all get better especially after were done with this recession. I think hopeful because all we have is each other guys. Thank you all for the things you guys have taught me.

Now that I'm 25, its all down hill from here...
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