Моя большая статья про Интернет и политику

Dec 05, 2011 19:31

Советую - французы оперативно к московским событиям опубликовали текст (большая часть его написана в конце июля). Зато peer-reviewed!

Russian Digital Dualism: Changing Society, Manipulative State

The article studies the effect of the Internet on Russian society in the 2000s, as well as the complex relations between the Internet, groups of digital activists and the manipulative state. The Internet creates new spaces for politicians and proto-politicians to practice digital activism, develop relationships of trust and new identities. At the same time, it becomes an object for increasing neo-Nazi and Islamist mobilization, and subject to greater control by a government worried by the inability to dominate this sphere.
Dr. Alexey Sidorenko is a social entrepreneur, an expert on the Russian Internet, and a freelance web developer. Since 2009, he has been an editor of the “RuNet Echo” project at Global Voices Online, where he researches and analyzes developments in the Russian Internet sphere.

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гражданское общество, политика, Европа, Интернет, демократия, Россия, выборы, публикации

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