Holy Smokes! It's been 2 months...

Jul 22, 2014 19:14

...since I last posted.

I have been lurking like a mad lurking thing. But I have had my posting mojo stolen by the behemoth that is a Master's Degree. I'm halfway finished with that, by the way. Whoot whoot. Turned in an assignment on Saturday and received my very first C. Grrr. So pissed about that, y'all have no idea. I mean, I've made straight As since I started this damned thing, and a C is just not what I'm paying for, ya know? Unclear, nonspecific instructions have always been my downfall. It upset me so much I had a very difficult time getting to sleep last night. But I'm moving on....

I am settling in quite slowly, but nicely, in my new home. Other than the tumult of dealing with a brown and black widow infestation, things are hunky dory. No lie, y'all. I have murdered about twelve sizable widow spiders in the last three weeks alone. And that is not including the regular little house spiders that are in the walls OR the orbweavers in the trees of my yard. I need an exterminator. Will have to do something
about that before school starts.

Otherwise, it's a nice cute little house. :)

Other than settling in, I have been doing my annual rewatch of SGA. I know. I should move on and get new TV boyfriends, but I just can't seem to find the same level of fannishness for anything else. The only thing that comes close, right now, is Suits, and I actually missed most of last season. SGA seared some kind of hole, and it hasn't healed. As such, I have been reading the hell out of the stories that came out of the SGA Ten Years Fest.

The other thing I've been doing is watching movies. There was a five week string of really great movies there for a while, but it has tapered off, I think. I saw Godzilla (OMG, loved it), X-Men: Days of Future Past (OMG, I cried at the end, so lovely to see familiar faces), Maleficent (Angelina Jolie was wonderful), Edge of Tomorrow (I don't care how Tom Cruise crazy he is, Tom Cruise makes good movies), and How to Train Your Dragon 2 (OMG, this generation's Lion King, no lie. THAT GOOD). Next movie plans are The Giver (prepped to be pissed at this one, as the trailers promise NOTHING LIKE THE BOOK) and Guardians of the Galaxy (I always knew Chris Pratt was going places, ever since Everwood, just didn't think they'd be out of this world).

I think that's all I have for right now. When I get stuff cleaned up and all settled, I'll post up some piccies of my new house.

update, chelle

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