Mar 30, 2014 21:12
First: I'm finishing up my first year of grad school. It's stressful and wonderful and I'm a much more competent teacher than I ever gave myself credit for. how do I know? Because in unofficially mentoring the new teacher in my department, I have discovered that I am one of the 'go to' teachers, at least according to Administration. Three separate occasions, I have been told by my 'mentee' that our principal has recommend that she come to me with issues and doubts and ask for my help with planning and lessons and general navigating the school. During her post observation conference, he asked who she was hanging out with, which teachers she was going to for help. She mentioned me and three others. Two of the others he said to stay away from, but that he was pleased that she was using me, because I was a positive presence on the faculty. (what? I didn't know he paid that much attention to me and my professional relationships at the school.) So. I must be doing something right.
Second: I am moving in a few weeks. Finally. I have been in this tiny apartment for five and a half years now. It is cluttered with my acquisitions and books and papers and STUFF. I have outgrown the space. I would probably be moving out of here anyway, but why am I doing it now?
Third: Because I have bought a house. I was on spring break this past week and must have looked at at least thirty houses. I finally found one that DOES NOT have sink hole activity near it or even in the neighborhood. I finally found one to which I will have to do nothing!!! It is not a foreclosure, it is not run down. I will not have to paint (at least not right away); I will not have to do flooring, or any kind of repairs. I don't have to purchase appliances (the current ones are about 5-8 yrs old, so new ones will be forthcoming, but I don't have to get them RIGHT THE HELL NOW). it is move in ready, with fresh carpet in the living room and dining room and tile in the bathrooms and kitchen; it is outside the city limits, but only 6 minutes from where I work (including a two minute wait at a traffic light). It is on a cul de sac with only ONE other house, and the neighborhood has not been fully developed, so the street that intersects my cul de sac only has about 6 houses down its entire length. My lot is surrounded by woods. Yes, there is a highway that abuts my back yard, but the county is four laning it and will be putting up a wall sound barrier, AND MY LOT IS COVERED WITH TREES.
All that is to say:
I HAVE BOUGHT A HOUSE. a HOUSE. MY OWN DWELLING. And I will be moving on April 30th, 2014. Into my own house. 3 br 2 bath house. For less than 65k. I am finally an adult. And it only took 20 years.