Jan 28, 2013 23:25
Tagging a fic. Never done that before, but that was fun. :D I haven't written anything since November. Like, NOTHING aside from lesson plans, and delving into a character again was a good feeling.
the bestie is engaged. I'm glad for her, that she's happy, but damn, why couldn't the guy she was getting married to be less of a dickhead? Not only that, but, of course, I'm to be the maid of honor. She says she's going to get me a 'list of responsibilities' shortly. One of which has already been determined: I'm the make up artist. I will be this, do this, because I love her and want her to be happy. I will hate it because I really do not like her douchebag fiance.
The Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring was on again last night and it made me realize that I do not have any of the movies for myself. *sigh* So, mommy ordered them for me. :D hahaha.
got a long week ahead of me. adn my students are rebelling at having to work the whole 100 minute period. "You give us too much, Ms. Sapp. None of our other teachers make us work so much!!!!" And that makes me grin, because I am evil and a slave driver. bwahahahha. BUT, my working them to death means that when it's time for them to encounter tough new texts, they're not afraid of it, and they dive in, pencils in hand ready to gut a piece and really take it apart. this is a good thing. It will serve them well.
I will have reviews for last week's Supernatural and Suits later this week. But, for now: Jared in a ponytail and leather pants? Jensen in chain mail and leather pants? HOLY CRAP. Also I like Dean and Charlie's relationship as it was portrayed in last week's episode. Also, Suits. Louis broke my freakin heart. Just. wow. But Harvey had a point, and that desk sweep thing he did? SCARY. But the end, had me tearing up. When Harvey ripped up Louis' resignation? OH. Oh my freakin' heart.
365 challenge,