UGH! Frustrated friend question

Feb 18, 2012 13:38

That she's making choices based on how she's feeling NOW instead of what is best for down the road?

Also, that she's lost any sense of identity apart from her boyfriend? Every conversation is about him, every fb post has to do with him and how she's doing stuff to be worthy of him, all her decisions are centered around how it'll affect her relationship with him.

I've been supportive, glad she's found someone who seems to treat her well. And when she said she was quitting school to help him start up his book business (wtf?) I didn't get all blamey and what not toward him. I told her she was an adult and her stupid decisions are all on her. He didn't force her to do anything. And she was GLAD I WASN'T MAD AT HIM. *boggles* Didn't give a rat's ass that I was disappointed in and for her, so long as I didn't blame HIM for it. *pukes*

I don't even...I can't stand talking to her anymore. She's quickly becoming the kind of woman I strongly dislike.

Run down:
-she quit school
-she got fired from her job for poor performance
-she's getting high
-she's neglecting her son (he's 15 and pretty self-sufficient, but she's always gone from her house now, over at her new bf's)
-she 'runs away from home' so...
-...she's being kicked out of her residence (her sister says since she's got her bf and spends so much time over there anyway and can't keep a job, that she needs to leave)
-she's moving in with the new beau and leaving her son behind in her alcoholic sister's house because she can't take him with her.

This post is mostly to vent. I'm frustrated by her behavior and know I can't do anything about it, but also I know that she'd be the first to tell me how stupid I was being if I did the same shit. but since it's HER doing it, it's totally different.

That said, part of me really wants to know how to get through this bullshit. Is this what all women do when they 'fall in love'? Because wtf, yo?

Went to see Safe House last night. Decent flick. Not as well-made as The Grey, but still worth the price of admission. Denzel is freaking wonderful. Turning in a caliber performance, I think, equal to his turn in Training Day. And Ryan Reynolds is getting worderfully nuanced and brilliant as he gets to work with some of the best in the biz. When he tells his girlfriend the truth, and that she needs to leave Cape Town and go back home to Paris, his face is so emotive. I got chills. He's really very good in this movie. Three movies in three weeks. I'm making it a thing. every weekend, 20 bucks spent on a movie and popcorn. :)

I signed up again to do SPN big bang, and I think I have a pretty good idea going. Have spent the morning setting up the story, outlining characters and what not. The plot is unfolding as I do so. I had a great premise last year too, but ugh, fell flat with the actual writing of it. mostly because I was writing in isolation. I'd like to have a reader to go through this one as I go. Any takers?

update, movies, chelle, bigbang, rant

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