100moods fic: Cold

Jan 21, 2007 17:30

Title: Cold
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Characters: Xander/Spike
Prompt: cold
Word Count: 1029
Rating: Adult
Warning/Spoilers: Umm, S4 roughly, but no real spoilers and definitely no warnings.
Summary: It's a bit of how Xander wakes up now, and a bit of Xander's ready to leave, and a brief misunderstanding.
Unbeta'd, so heck yeah, concrit welcome!! Totally.

Previous parts here

Previously:“Didn’t mean to wake you,” Xander whispered, shaking his head. “I just...I just had to touch you.”

It was Spike’s turn to have that cheery glint grace his eyes. “I think that’s a good thing, pet. Don’t you?” Without turning over, he held his hand out for Xander to take hold of. “Come to bed, Xander.”

Compelled by the seductive voice, the sight of Spike’s sleepy body moving lethargically against the sheets, and the sensual glint in Spike’s eye, Xander took hold of that proffered hand, and climbed back in bed.

It was secret, the life Spike and Xander were now living. Mornings consisted of Xander waking up to myriad sensations of seduction. The night still dark, the basement cold and damp, Spike would come home, stretch out beside Xander and spend the next hour just touching him. That’s usually how long he could get away with it before he had to see his boy. Then, the sheet would be pulled aside and the damp air of the basement would make goosebumps rise on Xander’s skin and he’d shiver.

“Wakey, wakey, Xan,” Spke would whisper and the deep timbre of his voice, so close to Xander’s ear would pull him smiling from sleep.

“Mornin’,” he’d whisper and lift the covers to let Spike crawl in the heated bed with him. They’d kiss and pull each other closer, until their need for each other overtook them.

This morning was no different. Xander woke with Spike whispering to him, cool hands sliding over bed-warmed flesh, devouring it with barely tangible touches.

Xander laced his fingers into Spike’s. “Work, Spike. I have to get up and go to work.”

“Thought you got fired, pet,” Spike whispered, lips grazing Xander’s ribs.

“Did. Must find new job,” Xander said on a sigh, clenching his fingers around Spike’s as his ribs were feasted on.

“Not today.” Spike nailed his point home with a tight bite to Xander’s flesh, to which the sleepy man responded with a hiss and a full body arch.

“Yes. Today. God...that’s just...” his voice trailed off as Spike gently pushed him back down onto the bed with kisses and licks that hovered around the waist of his boxers. When the vampire’s teeth gripped the band of elastic, intending to pull the offending material down, Xander’s belly caved in deep, pulling away from the material and the chill of Spike’s skin. He hissed again, on an indrawn breath. “Spike.”

Spike looked up from his position in Xander’s lap. “Yeah, pet?”

Xander lifted his head and looked down at the mischievous face peering at him from below his waist. “Please let me up.”

A cool kiss beneath Xander’s belly and Spike asked, “Why?”

Xander shivered. “I want out of here, out of this.”

Spike abruptly withdrew. “All you had to do was ask, pet. Not like it makes a difference to me. Just a bit of comfort, right. ‘S what you say you’re so good at.”

The sleep-warm, sexy mood disintegrated, remnants of want floating away in curls of confusion. “What?”

“You want out? Fine. I’m feelin’ much better ‘bout this technological situation. Chip in my head’s not gonna be here forever, and I c’n figure out the rest.” He shrugged. “Not like this was a thing anyway.” Cold blue eyes looked at him from beside the bed. Xander blinked, flabbergasted.

“You, my bleachy friend are insane. What is your problem? You like living in this place? You want to stay here? Fine. I’ll just leave you to it.” Xander pushed himself up and out of bed, black cotton clinging to his ass because it was pulled into a taut tent at the front. “But I’m gettin’ that job, and I’m gettin’ out of here.”

“You mean you’re gettin’ outta this.”

It dawned on Xander what Spike’s new problem was. “Oh. No. Dumbass. I’m getting out of this basement! I’m sick of listening to the crap that goes on upstairs. I sick of the ambient smells of mold and fabric softener! And yes! Dammit! I do know what ambient means!” He was breathing heavily now. “Now. You can either help me get out of here, or you can sit there and sulk. I do not care, at this point.” And he stomped off to get cleaned up for the day.

When Xander came out an hour later, the bed was put away, and Spike sat, still dressed, on the sofa. He glanced up at Xander and nodded. Xander sighed. “Look. I’m sorry. I love - you don’t know how much I love - waking up to being touched. By you. I want so much, sometimes, to just curl up and let you have your diabolical way with me, which is new, but still pretty damn fascinating. But I’ve got to move on. I want a place where I don’t have to worry about some drunk asshole coming in. I want a place where, on a day off, I can lay in bed with someone and snuggle or..or...fuck... or play Parcheesi because we’re all fucked out.”

Spike just stared up at him, eyebrow cocked.

“Can you understand that? Please, tell me you understand.”

Spike nodded, eyes closed.

Xander squatted in front of him and reached up to curl a hand around Spike’s neck. “Now. Let me go, nail this interview, and get this job. So we - yes, we - can get out of here and I can spend my days off all fucked out, with you, playing Parcheesi.”

Spike nodded. “Hmm.” A slow smile curled about his lips and he said, “I don’t play Parcheesi.”

Xander laughed. “Then I’m sure we’ll think of something.”

“Damn right I will.” Spike wrapped a hand around the back of Xander’s neck, tendrils of dark hair, still damp from his shower curling over Spike’s fingers. He caught those curls between his two fingers as he leaned in to kiss Xander. “Bed’s not the place for board games, luv,” he whispered, just as his lips touched Xander’s.

Xander came home that night with a few new things. Several pair of carpenter jeans, some tools that weren’t his but were on loan until he could get his own, a tool belt, a hard hat and safety goggles. They were sitting on the table, Xander in a chair a little dumbfounded, when Spike woke up.

Spike crossed the little kitchenette area, snagged a bag of blood from the mini-fridge, heated it, and after the little ding of the microwave, gulped it down. He rinsed out the mug and his mouth then moved to squat in front of Xander.

“See you got the job, pet.”

Xander blinked. “Yeah.”

It was the last coherent sound either of them made all night long.

fic, spander table, spander, 2007

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