drabbles for open on sunday

Aug 27, 2006 20:18


Giles/Wesley S3

There was a smidgeon - the tiniest particle of him - that saw the young watcher and wanted. One part darkness, three parts light with a dash of blue eyes. Eyes so unlike Ethan’s, but the earnestness, the eagerness to please was so familiar. Such dissimilar parts, combined to make a glorious whole. Giles closed his eyes and prayed to what ever god would hear that he could keep his distance.

Then the younger man spoke.

There was no going back. All he could do was keep a lid on himself and the situation and pray it didn’t boil over.

Spike/Buffy s6

When all was said and done, the passion expended, they were left with the mess, the clean up. It was rote at this point. Vampire and Slayer coming together in a violent recipe of seduction and self-degradation, and when finished, both could only methodically clean up the spillage.

Broken bed frames and shards of wood from disintegrated furniture were passed over in search of torn clothes, discarded slips of silk and leather, denim and cotton. Their useless armor donned again.

Then the parting words of anger and hatred, and neither able to look the other in the eye.

Doyle/Cordelia S1 Angel

Doyle always liked Cordelia. She had all the ingredients of the perfect woman: sharp, smart tongue, long dark hair, big breasts, practicality, and a beautiful smile. She’d smacked him for keeping his demon a secret from her, but not for being a demon. That was probably a good sign.

He watched the light begin to shine, knew it was time. He kissed her. The things that made her a perfect woman he hoped would make her a perfect seer. She tasted divine, the sweetest combinations of his favorite flavors. He loved her; he hoped she figured it out.

Then he jumped.

fic, 2006, drabbles

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