He doesn't wanna read the message

Jul 28, 2009 01:50

I've been writing haikus at random lately, whenever I want a new away message. I was kind of sad to discover that pidgin does not log them. I do ever-so like to preserve my bad poetry. I guess I'll log them here whenever I write them. So's not to lose them into the aether forever.

Current haiku:
tenderness isn't
responsiblity is
among things we love

Bob's been tryin to get me to play this nethack game. I am intruiged by the vastness he describes, but learning to play it is like learning a new programming language. It's not that every button on the keyboard has a function, it's that every character in the character map has a function. Which is incredibly daunting. I couldn't even sit through the instruction manual. About twenty pages in I was like "I no longer rememeber anything from the first fifteen pages. I need to just try to play the game and see what happens." It's pretty random. Things appear to kill you about every three seconds. Regardless of what you're trying to do at the time. Which I guess is kind of fun. Except for when you forget what buttons you need to push in order to fire your slingshot.

Life has been strange around me lately. I've become so...incredibly satisfied. Filled with happiness...When I'm not filled with lust. And then, almost in direct proportion to my own growing happiness, things that I thought were steady and sound around me crumble and crash, leaving friends in pain and sadness. I wonder how oblivious I must have been to have missed the signs of these events incoming.

I wonder if I would give up my newfound happiness if it could take away the hurt they're going through.
...I don't think I would.
...I feel kind of bad about that.
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