Wait Till Your Vampire Gets Home - Michelle Bardsley

Jan 30, 2009 18:42

Book 4 in the Broken Heart series. This one focuses around Ralph Genessa, the only male single parent that was victim to the first attacks in Broken Heart. He is a widower and has twin toddlers. But, now, he's also a vampire able to wield fire. He stumbles upon Libby Monroe, a PRIS (paranormal research & investigation service) investigator in a graveyard and 2 battling dragons fall toward them. One of the dragons is badly injured and passes her dragon spirit to both LIbby and Ralph. Craziness ensues as Libby is now a dragon hybrid. She can wield fire and hears its "song" but can not shapeshift. And the dragon's brother whom she had been fighting wants her spirit back.

Definitely a great series with tons of potential. Now, must wait for book 5 to come out in May :(

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