Feb 13, 2010 13:51
I joined a community on here the other day, for panic and anxiety disorders, just to check it out, cause I was curious. I skimmed through my friends' page and saw a post describing EXACTLY to a T what I feel when I get one and start to freak out. It was spooky. So I comment and say you know, that's my problem exactly. After, a guy comments with this :
"It's the persistent worrying that's triggering the anxiety response.
In folks like us, our brains misinterpret worry as a life-threatening emergency, so it prepares our bodies in the way it is programmed to respond. Our brain tells the body to release adrenalin (which increases heartrate/blood pressure/respiration), and cortisol (which stops digestion, sex drive, cell generation, and other body functions not necessary in an emergency).
Thus, the anxiety response is causing your physical symptoms.
If you could spend more time focusing on solutions to your "money, school, work, people" issues instead of worrying about them, the anxiety (and resulting misery) would likely reduce."
Now, I'm like a little boy. In order to feel better and understand things, I need to know how they work and what's going on and why certain things happen. So that up there seriously made me feel like he just gave me a cake. I am feeling a lot better about everything right now. I can't properly explain it.