An open invitation to vote on the following...

Jan 12, 2007 04:52

n5iln 2 days ago

I've remained fairly silent through this. The time for silence is now ended.

You play your role well. The problem is, I see it for exactly that...a role you have taken upon yourself. I will not name that role for anyone; each must arrive at their own decisions, their own conclusions.

My conclusion is reached, my decision made. And after I say this, I will have absolutely nothing further to say to you, ever.

Keep in mind I've only said this to one other person, and meant it. Keep in mind also that I do not say this lightly. The masks come off NOW...they no longer serve any purpose.

Oathbreaker, I name you, and any who stand by you. Three times I name you Oathbreaker.
Oathbreaker once, by the lies of your tongue.
Oathbreaker twice, by the perversion of another's heart in the guise of healing your own.
Oathbreaker three times, by the willful destruction of another's oaths.
Oathbreaker is your name. All oaths to you are null. Let every person's hand be against you. Let every face turn away from you. Let your darkness rot you from the inside until you be called to accounting. And let the hand of that accounting be the one who has served you best.

Fare well, Oathbreaker.

I received this comment to my journal a few days ago and got rid of it because it is negative and I dont need anymore negativity in my life.  I have had plenty since the day of my birth.

Here is my opinion on the whole thing... I broke an oath?
I did once but not to Ann or Sal.  I did to my husband (now my exhusband).  I didnt take their marriage vows.  But now is the time for honesty...  Can I be to blame (completely) for a marriage that took the standard vows.

Marriage vows are promises a couple makes to each other during a wedding ceremony. In Western culture, these promises have traditionally included the notions of affection ("love, comfort, keep"), faithfulness ("forsaking all others"), unconditionality ("for richer or for poorer", "in sickness and in health"), and permanence ("as long as we both shall live", "until death do us part"). Most wedding vows are taken from traditional religious ceremonies.

So they broke the faithfulness almost immediately.  So how can any of the vows be held to... you cant say you took the wedding seriously.  And if you ask Sal if it meant anything he ALWAYS says that it didnt/doesnt because the vows they took were not of their own making but others.

I do admit that the first time I took those vows I didnt understand their meaning or how breaking them can hurt and destroy the bond that is created on that day you both promise each other.

Dont get me wrong I dont ever wnat to be alone but I dont want to just say some pretty words and enter into an agreement that I cant keep.  I did that once and it almost destroyed someone I care very much about.  Technically, it hurt my kids too... even Claire who will never have a full time daddy (her daddy) again. I had that for the boys at the very least.

Ok well I cant keep crying and putting myself through the wringer anymore.  I made HUGE mistakes but I can move past those into something better.

So back to the Oathbreaker thingy.... Now you vote.... did I break the Oath or did they?  Up to the court of public opinion today.... I really want to know.

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