boyohboyohboy has it been a long time. i'm prone to periodic absences and whatnot, but this particularly long hiatus has me coming back wondering how on earth not one person dropped me from their list. surely i'm not that interesting, so i'll chalk it up to laziness. starting now, if i update regularly (for me), it will be as if i was never gone, right? what's more, just as i started catching up with everyone a couple weeks ago (unknown to but a few as i didn't comment or anything like that) i received an anonymous gift of a paid account. VERY random, as i'd been gone for MONTHS, was rounding back into the posting mood, and coincidentally someone apparently wants to see me post...?! who did this? please own up to it so you can collect your reward. i'm quite intrigued, actually.
wow. so much has happened since i was last here. the 4th of july came and it seems like everything started moving in fast-forward, all the way till december. i hit my late twenties. i enjoyed the most beautiful seattle summer since i've been here- consistently above 75 and raining less than ever. my sex drive was surprisingly tame over the summer (i'm usually a fucking monster- use whatever meaning of 'fucking' you want there)- let's hope it was a temporary setback and viagra isn't around the corner for me. the red sox won the world series, and if you weren't rooting for this team to win (well, besides
you, of course), then you're either not a sports fan at all or have coal where a heart should be (further note: curt schilling- simply amazing). yeah, yankee fans don't count, sorry. i found out that, for the first time in my life, i had high blood pressure- i believe it's stress related. i realized that i've become a lot more handy in my almost-2-years as a homeowner. i have a new and wonderful addition to my life: tivo. president bush was re-elected and i laughed at the mtv generation's failed attempt to call to arms the youth of america. what's wrong with us? why isn't voting a fundamental value to us? (in case you wonder, i voted for kerry). i respect the election process though, and will support our president (for the most part). i could go on and on, but that ship has already sailed. on to the future.
i don't know where i've been the last 5 years, but a couple of my recent addictions have been csi and law & order- csi vegas, csi miami, even csi new york, along with law & order: svu and law & order: ci. my tivo overfloweth. how did i not know these shows existed? what i particularly like is the self-contained nature of each show- you don't need the whole backstory of the characters to enjoy an episode. these shows also further my steadfast conviction (pun intended) to never commit a serious crime. besides my
previously documented fear of ass-rape, these shows reaffirm to me that it's just not very easy to get away with anything illegal. you WILL be caught. they can get your partial fingerprint off of the half-piece of gum you spit out a mile away from the crime scene when they tracked your tire marks that they matched to your car because it had sap from a plant sold a month ago at your local nursery. oh, and the fact that you left some phlegm on the body when you half-coughed into your glove is just the icing on the cake. you're done. have fun with bubba.
i find myself having to constantly remind myself to respect youth. it's so easy to slip into the mindset that with age and experience comes wisdom. while this is true to an extent, i find myself having to remember that i was once young, brash, and naïve. as much as they can be idiots and hooligans, brilliance and new ideas come from youth as well. at the very least, i cannot begrudge them the opportunity to make mistakes to learn from as i once did.
if i were to use my spam email as a gauge, the latest trend is that everybody wants one of two things: erectile dysfunction medication or a rolex. wtf?! call me frugal, but i can think of a lot of things i'd rather spend a couple thousand dollars on than a watch, as is probably the case with most americans. in fact, i don't even wear a watch. talk about poor marketing. to continue now, if you assume that roughly half of all email users are women, it seems that spammers are neglecting about half of their target customers. maybe it's that women are smarter than us men, and that it's one out of a trillion women who actually click on spam email vs one in what, a hundred thousand of us men? or should i get in the business of spamming women?
posts about spam email, i'm sure you're all overjoyed to see i'm back.
i should stop here and post more later, as i know once these entries get too long people just scrooooooooooll on by. i've missed this place.
...and who got me the paid account? you pushed me to post out of guilt, are you happy? now, identify yourself!
...or is that the game?