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Hey, please don't tell me that I'm dreaming
When all I ever wanted was to
Dream another sunset with you
If I roll over when it's over
I'll take this Cali sunrise with me
And wake up with the fondest memories
Been reading over this a lot today. and I have a few intense realizations. Ive actually been sitting here crying for while.
I dont really know if anyone ive ever loved... has loved me.
and all ive ever wanted was to be loved. I now know as an adult that i seek these types of relationships because i wasnt loved by my parents. I just dont know how to heal from that.
How do you find true happiness..
when you have never truly felt worthy of it.
like somehow you are always deficient .
for once, i just want someone to look at me with admiration..
feel like they were born for just me.
i want to be a mom so bad.
sometimes i dont think its ever going to happen tho
like i ment to be forever alone and sad
and maybe that's what i deserve
i mean im not good anyway..