May 25, 2008 20:33
First off I'd like to thank my co-worker and cousin ;) Karen for the title. Karen, you rock my socks.
So while cleaning and thinking it occurred to me that the sexiest word in the english language is "no". I realize now what I want and have not found. A challenge. Anyone who reads this knows me and the kind of person I have been and am. In all things I like challenge, therefore; it makes sense that I'd seek a woman who challenges me. So far no such challenge found up here. I value a good argument with an intelligent opinionated person. I don't like to win all the time, I'd much rather match in a draw. It sounds Freudian, but my mother is a strong black woman, and I can't settle for meek. (They shall inherit the earth and all but it'd be a really boring place with all of them together.) So yeah back to cleaning.
Oh and btw I have not played in the rain since far too long.